5 Ways to Overcome Writer's Block

There's a ton of controversy about writer's block, but is it real? I am not here to answer that question, though some claim no, but I suffer from it frequently and I have learned how to overcome it.

There are a lot of different methods to get rid of and overcome it. I'm going to give you a list of things I do, and things that others do.

Method One

This method is going to be what I do.

Usually, I write when I'm alone. I work better that way because no one is here to distract me, or make me write differently, such as parents while writing adult situations.

Since my parents are divorced and I live with my dad, I don't have friends over very often. And my dad works from 5AM to three, and is usually out at the pool hall on weekends. So I use that time and write.

I turn on some music that reflects the story, the mood of the story, or just some music I like. I get into some comfortable clothes and relax in my chair, letting the words flow out of my mind, into my fingers, and onto the computer screen.

Method Two

Some people might use generators for their plots, characters, names, etc. A generator I use for names, because I'm horrible with them, is Seven Sanctums. It has a lot of generators inside it, and it's pretty simple to work, though I do not recommend using this one for plots.

If you're desperate and want to write a one-shot, or something of the sort, use this if you don't know what to write about.

Method Three

Reading a genre that you don't normally wouldn't is a good idea, and just plain reading is a good way to get ideas and anything of the sorts.

An example is that I wouldn't touch romance with a ten-foot pole, but ever since I read Amanda Hocking's The Hollows, I've had a new perspective on writing sex scenes, emotional happenings, and a lot of other stuff. The thing is, I didn’t really know it was YA Romance until the end. The zombies kept me from knowing that the main character liked someone.

Method Four

Look or take pictures. This is another way to get inspired or just have fun. This also helps you by getting a visual image of what you want to write about, or one of you character's lives, personalities, characteristics, etc. You can even paint or draw. This goes with what you want or you decide. Say you're writing a sci-fi story that takes place on an alien planet, you can draw or paint the planet your own way and make it how you want, instead of browsing Google Images.

Method Five

Read. No matter what, just read. I don't care if it's blogs, short stories, or the Dark Tower series. Just read. This is something I cannot stress enough. You can even read Graphic Novels, though I do not recommend them. Gross. Reading will improve your skills by seeing another author's but you can learn a few things about grammar, or even get an idea for an original fiction or fan fiction. You can't be an author if you don't read.

Thanks for reading this article, I hope you liked it and hope this helps.

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