11 Tips on How to Become a Better Writer

For some people, finding ways to improve their writing can be a daunting task, so here are some ideas to help you.


Make sure you pay close attention to your punctuation, especially your use of commas and periods as these two things can help to regulate the flow of your text. Using punctuation in the wrong place can make your writing messy and hard to follow.

Write Regularly

Writing for at least ten minutes every day can really help to improve your writing, you’ll find that the more you write, the better you become. The more you write the more ideas come to you, you’ll be able to experiment with different styles and writing becomes easier to do. If you don’t write regularly then you will find it difficult to get back into the swing of things when you do want to start writing again.

Be a Good Reader

Read some great writers for inspiration, if you read the books of your favourite author enough, their writing style will begin to rub off on you. I can’t express enough how important reading is if you wish to improve your writing skills.

Edit Old Work

Going back and edit some of your old work. Editing your old work will allow you to spot your old mistakes and keep you from making the same mistakes again.

Don’t Write and Edit at the Same Time

Try not to edit your work before you have finished. Writing and editing should be two completely different processes.

Learn to Take Criticism

Being able to take criticism is one of the most important things you need to be able to do to be a writer. Don’t get upset when someone criticises your work, take in what the person has said and use it to improve your writing.


Use interesting names in your story as they appeal to both the reader and the writer.

Read Aloud

Reading your work aloud can help you to determine the parts of your text that don’t flow.

Use Writing Prompts

If you are stuck for ideas, use writing prompts to help you. Some of your best stories can come from a prompt.

Word Count

Try not to worry about how much you have written. Writing your work down on paper can allow you to write freely without having to worry about how long or short your piece of text is.

Vary Your Sentence Length

Reading something with only long or only short sentences can become boring, so try to vary your sentence length as much as possible.

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