
  • Cyanide_heart

    Cyanide_heart (100)

    United States
    iv had enough of hearing "thats racist now"

    they even changed one of the most famous well known nursery rhyme 'baa baa black sheep'

    its stupid

    like the kid in the hammer attacks at a school near me? it was racist, and there have been a load of other attacks around here to there was an attack on a man, they didnt know who did it, and therewas a chance of it being a racial attack

    also there was the ipswitch murders just because there has only ever been white cerial killers that it wont be a coloured killer?
    January 26th, 2007 at 08:16pm
  • Matt Smith

    Matt Smith (900)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Is this a current event?
    January 26th, 2007 at 08:42pm
  • Cyanide_heart

    Cyanide_heart (100)

    United States
    yes there always attacks and they are now all racist
    January 26th, 2007 at 08:42pm
  • hrvatka; candy.

    hrvatka; candy. (100)

    United States
    Three words.

    Alive and well.
    January 26th, 2007 at 08:46pm
  • Matt Smith

    Matt Smith (900)

    Great Britain (UK)
    yes there always attacks and they are now all racist
    Can you edit your post with some examples that have been in the news recently?
    January 26th, 2007 at 10:19pm
  • princess.

    princess. (350)

    Mkay, I have a question.

    You know how white supremecists and anti-black people always say shit like, "The black ones are worse."

    Well in some cases that's true.

    Do you think it's true because the white people are right, or because the black kids are reacting to this - making it true?
    February 2nd, 2007 at 10:15pm
  • hrvatka; candy.

    hrvatka; candy. (100)

    United States
    Mkay, I have a question.

    You know how white supremecists and anti-black people always say shit like, "The black ones are worse."

    Well in some cases that's true.

    Do you think it's true because the white people are right, or because the black kids are reacting to this - making it true?
    I'm not sure I completely unserstand what you're saying. By "black ones", do you mean just as people or do you mean it as anti-white black people?
    February 2nd, 2007 at 10:19pm
  • princess.

    princess. (350)

    Chemical Warfare.:
    Mkay, I have a question.

    You know how white supremecists and anti-black people always say shit like, "The black ones are worse."

    Well in some cases that's true.

    Do you think it's true because the white people are right, or because the black kids are reacting to this - making it true?
    I'm not sure I completely unserstand what you're saying. By "black ones", do you mean just as people or do you mean it as anti-white black people?
    I just meant black people in general - but it could really be just the anti-white black people.
    February 2nd, 2007 at 10:24pm
  • hrvatka; candy.

    hrvatka; candy. (100)

    United States
    I just meant black people in general - but it could really be just the anti-white black people.
    Let's say they ARE talking about anti-white black people. They are not worse because of their hate because all hate is bad hate. Let's take the Black Panthers. Do they go around killing whites or vandalizing their stuff? No. Maybe a few extremist but not normally. The KKK kills people and vandalizes their things. In the case of actions, the KKK is way worse.

    Now let's say that they're just talking about black people in general. That is just a stupid statement. I'm black and I know that I'm, not necessarily better, but smarter and more successful in the things that I do than a lot of white people. So, to me, that makes absolutely no sense.
    February 2nd, 2007 at 10:39pm
  • princess.

    princess. (350)

    Chemical Warfare.:
    I just meant black people in general - but it could really be just the anti-white black people.
    Let's say they ARE talking about anti-white black people. They are not worse because of their hate because all hate is bad hate. Let's take the Black Panthers. Do they go around killing whites or vandalizing their stuff? No. Maybe a few extremist but not normally. The KKK kills people and vandalizes their things. In the case of actions, the KKK is way worse.

    Now let's say that they're just talking about black people in general. That is just a stupid statement. I'm black and I know that I'm, not necessarily better, but smarter and more successful in the things that I do than a lot of white people. So, to me, that makes absolutely no sense.
    Sorry if I offended you. It's hard to explain and I'm not really sure how to go about it.
    February 2nd, 2007 at 10:53pm
  • hrvatka; candy.

    hrvatka; candy. (100)

    United States
    Sorry if I offended you. It's hard to explain and I'm not really sure how to go about it.
    Oh no. You didn't offend me at all. I know that you didn't say that. I understand what you mean though... Kind of.
    February 2nd, 2007 at 11:01pm
  • princess.

    princess. (350)

    February 2nd, 2007 at 11:02pm
  • princess.

    princess. (350)

    Here, I'm just gonna try this one more time.

    The black gangs in New York or in Detroit - the gang wars. On the news it's all black kids in these battles. Now I'm wondering - is that just the news making assumptions? Is that actually the case?

    And if it is? Is it just that the news is right? Or is it that the news is making it right? That these black kids in these gangs are acting up because that's what the news is doing to them? Is it that they resent what the anchormen are saying and therefore are acting out against that in the only way they know how? By taking it out on the other gangs?
    February 2nd, 2007 at 11:06pm
  • hrvatka; candy.

    hrvatka; candy. (100)

    United States
    Here, I'm just gonna try this one more time.

    The black gangs in New York or in Detroit - the gang wars. On the news it's all black kids in these battles. Now I'm wondering - is that just the news making assumptions? Is that actually the case?
    It depends. Sometimes the news over-exaggerates problems and makes it seem like only black kids are doing wrong when white kids are out doing the same thing. It could also be selective. What I'm saying is that the news folks will tell you about all the bad things that the blacks have done but won't tell the good. Meanwhile all you hear about is the good white kids and that they can never do wrong.
    And if it is? Is it just that the news is right? Or is it that the news is making it right? That these black kids in these gangs are acting up because that's what the news is doing to them? Is it that they resent what the anchormen are saying and therefore are acting out against that in the only way they know how? By taking it out on the other gangs?
    I'm reading a book right now called "The Mis-Education of the Negro". It basically says that blacks have been told lies so long that they are deeply rooted in our minds. Lies like whites are superior, blacks are simply an inferior race, we will never and can never amount to anything, we will always "stay in our place" even without being told ect. This theory is true in many aspects. For example the "uneducated" blacks (the ones who live in ghettos and 'act' black) retaliate against anything or anyone they can because it's all they know. They figure, "I am nothing. I can't ever be anything. So why does it matter?" That's when they stop caring and start breaking laws, selling drugs, and being in gangs. It doesn't help when the "educated" blacks look down on them. Being further brain-washed, the "educated" blacks are taught, "Black is bad. Black is dirty. You don't want any part of that." Furthering the destruction of our race. So yes. The news contributes to self-hatred in young black kids which in turn causes crime, gangs, and drugs.
    February 6th, 2007 at 01:38am
  • billie.

    billie. (100)

    so is racism against black people rly bad in America?
    because in Australia, if you're white, nobody cares.
    If you're not of a culture, your basically on the bottom of the lists for most scholarships and job applications.

    I have worked in a place, as have my friends worked in places where two people, with the exact same expertise have applied and the asian kid, the black kid or whatever has been accepted because the employers didnt want to appear racist.

    Im not at all saying that the caucausion kid is better, Im just saying that we are so goddamn scared of looking racist that we succumb to reverse discrimination.
    February 6th, 2007 at 09:05am
  • hrvatka; candy.

    hrvatka; candy. (100)

    United States
    so is racism against black people rly bad in America?
    because in Australia, if you're white, nobody cares.
    Racism is still alive in America probably because we were the last to get rid of slavery so the wounds are still fresh. And I hate it when people say, "That happened over 150 years ago. Get over it" because that's that same as telling Native America's to get over it that we stole their land, the Japenese to get over it that we put them in concentration camps even though they were America citizens, the Jews to get over the Holocaust. It doesn't work like that. A lot of people don't believe that racism is still alive but it is. And a lot of people think that blacks pull the dace card all too much when a lot of the times it is the case. Granted, some blacks DO pull the race card for little things but most of the time, their claims are true.
    If you're not of a culture, your basically on the bottom of the lists for most scholarships and job applications.
    The blame for that goes solely to the employers and college board.
    I have worked in a place, as have my friends worked in places where two people, with the exact same expertise have applied and the asian kid, the black kid or whatever has been accepted because the employers didnt want to appear racist.
    If the black or asian was well-qualified, then I don't see the problem. If an employer wants to mix up his/her staff I can understand.
    Im not at all saying that the caucausion kid is better, Im just saying that we are so goddamn scared of looking racist that we succumb to reverse discrimination.
    I agree to a certain level. Sometimes people get hired SIMPLY because of color. That is never good but when both parties are well-qualified then I see no harm. It's when the lower qualified person gets the job that the other person should have had.
    February 6th, 2007 at 12:29pm
  • princess.

    princess. (350)


    This photo depicts the 1968 Mexico City Olympics. The two black men one gold and bronze. However, when they put the black power sign in the air, their medals were revoked. It took many years for their medals to be returned.

    Now, I'm not saying we haven't come a long way from this abomination, because we have. All I'm saying is that the medal revoking was wrong. It takes a lot of courage to do what they did, and they did it.

    I would also like to say that we've mainly been talking about black vs. white in this thread when there are many different kinds of racism. Asians, for instance. Have you ever been told to "Speak some Chinese, you fucking slit-eyed shitwad"? Believe me, I have.

    I would like to mention that it seems to me that many people simply seem to think that since black people were the most prosecuted in the US, we focus most of our, for lack of a better word, "racist guilt", on, well, black people. Asians have faced the same amount of prejudice.

    I just thought I'd mention that it isn't simply black and white in this case. Others face the same thing daily.
    February 9th, 2007 at 01:23am
  • Matt Smith

    Matt Smith (900)

    Great Britain (UK)
    You have a point.
    Racism isn't so bad towards black people here now. Maybe for older generations, but most of the time, I don't hear much racism to black people.

    Asians is a different matter. Again; if you're chinese or thai or something, you'll be fairly unscathed. But people from the middle east get it pretty bad. Especially muslims.
    February 10th, 2007 at 01:33am
  • princess.

    princess. (350)

    In Canada, there's this HUGE guilt factor about what the founding fathers did to the First Nations people [natives]. So now, if you're one-sixteenth Aboriginal, you get a free ride all the way through college or university. That is, if you get into university/college. This has created a huge debate as to whether the government actually still needs to be doing this for something that happened hundreds of years ago.

    My opinion is that it's been long enough. Yes, the government/white people did horrible things to the Aboriginals, but it was a very long time ago. They should no longer get such preferential treatment over everyone else. Because it's not just the schools. They have entirely different tax rights as well. I just think that yes, we should admit what we did, but we've already paid back what the government did to the native peoples.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that we've become so afraid of seeming racist, we've become the exact opposite of what we were - racist in a different way. Racist by singling out the First Nations and racist by giving them so many rights that other people don't have.
    February 12th, 2007 at 12:52am
  • Potential Slayer

    Potential Slayer (100)

    United States
    A main pet peeve of mine is how there are situations where minorities are simply using 'racism' as a scape goat. For example, at my school, there are several incidents where they use the excuse ' It's because I'm {insert race color here}'. Some just mean it in a harmless way, yet it's absurd of how many try to constantly use that as an excuse. It's petty and insult to those who actually experience racial/prejudicial abuse.
    February 16th, 2007 at 04:12am