Beautiful Things

With all of the chaos in the world today, we often forget how beautiful life can truly be. We see that evil is around every corner but we lose sight of the joy and beauty that life can hold. I have been lost in thought for the past few days just considering this. Just thinking about the magnificent things that are in my life everyday and yet, I very rarely give them a second thought. So here's a list of some of the beautiful things that can be found in all of our lives.

The feeling of clothes that are still warm from the dryer.
The rhythm of your feet on the pavement as you run.
The colors of the leaves as they change.
Laughter that makes your stomach ache and tears run down your face.
Long talks with your best friend.
The kisses on the top of your head from your daddy.
Looking at the stars.
Inspiration that makes you want to write forever.
The feeling of true belonging.
The intro beats of your favorite song.
The first rainstorm of summer.
The exhilaration of a roller coaster.
A favorite childhood memory.
The feel of the writer's pen as it glides over the paper.
Getting tickled by your friends.
The complete serenity of nature.
Unconditional love.
The joy of a child.
Your favorite quote or Scripture.
The wind.
Fresh-baked cookies straight from the oven.
The differences that make every one of us unique.

These things bring us joy and wonder. They can bring that warm fuzzy feeling or the love that we need to make it through another day. This life can be beautiful. Sometimes, we just need to open our eyes.
October 28th, 2008 at 03:43am