Mibba crushes: Journals. [Based off a true forum].

I found that forum, the Mibba crush one, and noticed like none of the names listed on it were people who made journals. Most of them were forums mibbians.

So I decided to make my own! But with journals. Please join in on it and not make me feel rather stalker-y? :D

Jinxeh. - Her journals are sometimes very funny. And the videos are humorous as well.

Audrey T. - She is very helpful to the new people on here. And her journals are nice.

Looouise - Love her comments on journals.

L Lawliet. - Also very nice and helpful. Also has very nice stories.

Secret In My Throat - I dunno. She's awesome?

delicate to love - Nice as well.

Never.Fading.Rain - Ah. Awesome.

that's dynamite ! - Love her comments.

Shiznit - She also has fun journals. ^^

Jewel Nicole - Because she points out the grammar/rule thing nicely.

Miss Murder-Way -...She just rocks. :D

yo. - She likes slash and she reads my Aliver. D: She doesn't post many journals anymore though.

Basket Case. - Her journals are so...active? And amusing.

anonymous. - Her username is awesome.

Lianna's injection - I like her journals.

Your.Pink.Diary - Love her comments.

Sainthood - Because her comments maketh me "LULZ".

Neche_Girl8 - Doesn't have an avatar but still rox my peace sox.

she floats. - I see her comment everywhere...

Seize.The.Moment - Like his journals. Somehow can't not read one?

Aelf - Willing to help a mibbian with a story.

ToastAndJam - Love her comments? And occasional journals.

flawed perfection. - I see his humorous comments a lot. ^^

Donna Noble - She was nice enough to make me a gorgeous banner. And she's awesome.

HippieDays - I enjoy her journals. ^^

Obviously Oblivious - I enjoy commenting on her journals just to mess with her.

Saffle - I've only seen her journals lately. But they're really interesting.

chantal sutherland. - She's nice too. I've seen her nicely point out somethings in fights on journals.

Juliet. - Ahh! I missed her journals. >.> I didn't even know it was her when she commented. D: I feel bad.

So there's like...3or so guys on my list. And it's really long.
Who's your journal mibbian crush?
[Btw, I'm missing a TON of others.]
January 9th, 2010 at 05:52am