I AM NOT A ***.

So. This is my first journal. And, i have absolutely nothing to write about.
So imma just keep writing about things that have been going on around me.

Uugh. Me and my classmates only have two more months of boring lectures until we graduate, but we have to listen to those irritating flies called teachers for another one month. So that's three months of staying at that penal institution.

I`d rather work at carnival and sell peanuts xD.

But like all stories, I can't. Stupid parents placing their child at a mental institution (school).
"Here at ---------, we mold your child's mind to become the next leader of the future." Oh, what a joy. That's what they all say. Idiotic parents - they think that the term "leaders of the future" meant becoming president or vice president. But what they don`t know, is that "leaders of the future" can mean leaders of the next murder gang or whatever.

Anyways, since we only have two more months, those flies (or teachers), are forcing us to accomplish gazillions of projects and reports.


We were given this project for our class (this class teaches us a different language besides English), and we only had four days to prepare. FOUR fr*ckin` days ! After those four days, We had a vacation. Everybody went to different places and we all didn`t have time to finish what we weren`t able to finish. After that vacation we had school. But to make things worse, the first day we get to school, we had to present our project ! what the f*ck !

But there's a twist. Some people forced themselves to finish their project. Okay, so their projects weren't exactly "presentable." When we all got back to that place of hell, our teacher told us he was extending the days for our practice ! again, what the f*ck.

That was just ONE of the billions of projects we had to do. Most of our projects were given only a week to prepare. a WEEK.

This is why i hate going to that hell place.

So basically, that was my week. It`s the second week of the year, and mine was the most miserable. It was spent on doing forced work. school work should be considered child labour. Don't you think ? ;)

[c] lLMFAO for the title
January 10th, 2010 at 01:28pm