While I was thinking about what I`d write about in this journal. I got really pissed `cause my desk lamp suddenly turned off. I seriously thought I broke it. so i was like 'damn. at least it was worthwhile.' I seriously thought I overused it. Apparently, it wasn`t plugged. STUPID !

Anyways, as some of you remember, my first journal was about how much of a hellhole school is. Now, in my second journal I`d like to talk about people who have "problems." In simple terms for some of you simpleminded folk, people who are cuckoo.

Well, I used to have this friend who always wanted me near her. Seriously people. NEAR HER. She would always insist that I go with her to the mall, to parties, to movies, etcetera. So sad for me, I still had NO idea on what I should do. I thought it would be okay - to be bonding with someone who thinks she`s your damn sister. She actually thought we were sisters.

Perfect example of a dimwitted idiot.

After a few months of the so-called "bonding." I started to get really pissed. She finally showed her true colours. I think that`s good. But, she`s shown a "different side." Like any controversial story, the term "different side" always means "dark side." Ooh. Scary ! WTH. She started showing me her "in-your-face" attitude. Basically, she turned out to be a total bitch.

Of course, the protagonist was emotionally hurt and all. And of course, I had ALL the right to stop being her "best friend."

She turned out to be bipolar. Oh swell.

Well, there was this other person who scared the shit out of me.

When I was younger, I liked befriending all my neighbors. And this next wacko was my neighbor. I was around eight years old. I lived with my parents back then (don`t ask me EVER about my parents). I was a carefree child who lived with her parents and siblings. Typical child, eh ?

Well, this dude (yes, this psycho is a dude) and he had this "thing" for me. For all you teens out there: I think you have an idea as to what this "thing" would be. Anways, he had a "thing" for me. And me, as a carefree child, obviously didn`t care.

So I just ignored it until this dude turned totally wacko and started stalking me. I was pretty stupid at that time, so I didn`t know what stalking meant. So I consulted my younger sister. She acted even more mature than I did, so I aasked for her help. She also did some research: she interviewed neighbors and observed his every move. She jumped to the conclusion that the dude was stalking an innocent girl like me. (Well, not innocent anymore.)

But as a few years passed I kept myself indoors and refused to go out to show myself `cause I was afraid that that psycho would come back. In the very few times I`d come out, he`d find me and start irritating me. Until I confronted him.

-- Well, this next stuff is private. So if ever you`d want to know what happened, Just comment on my profile and ask what happened. --

[c] PARAMORE for the title
January 11th, 2010 at 01:40pm