Overall Review Of Guns N' Roses

Yeah so last night I saw Guns N' Roses. Live. With Sebastian Bach (the dude from Skid Row) and some other band (I only heard like one song by them so I didn't catch there name)

Here's your review.

First Unnamed Band

I didn't hear very much of them at all, I heard like the last three lines of one song by them so I can't really say if they were good or not, but they sounded pretty good to me.

Sebastian Bach
Holy Shit.
That's about all I can say.
He was amazing. With his unbuttoned shirt and his black leather pants and long hair, it looked like a photograph. He looked so much alike it was crazy. He sang of course 18 & Life, Youth Gone Wild, I'll Remember You, Piece Of Me along with a variety of other songs that I either didn't recognize or didn't know the name of. He talked a bit between songs and was funny as hell. Encouraging everyone to sing along and to clap and most importantly. I WANNA SEE THOSE LIGHTERS UP!!! He was hilarious, swinging the mic around and over his head while headbanging and then nearly hitting himself in the face with it, along with his guitarist. He made it the best =) Especially with his Canadians-kick-fucking-ass-because-I-am-a-Canadian rant. I laughed at it. For the amount of time he was on he was awesome. And just a question but did you know that this is his 21st year of performing?! That's what he told us.

Guns N' Roses
I won't lie Guns was amazing, they were as amazing as I hoped they were. With four fucking guitarists onstage at all times. The only bad parts were there was close to a fourty-five minute intermission and at eleven at night no-one really wants to wait that long. But they did come out and opened with a smashing song from the Chinese Democracy album. They played a wide variety of the newer material from Chinese Democracy as well as older hits like Sweet Child O' Mine, You Could Be Mine, It's So Easy, Welcome To The Jungle, Out Ta Get Me and Patience. Axl was dancing around like a manic and swinging the mic stand aroud as usual and to those who have seen the Welcome To The Jungle Video, you know how he does the out like of a body as he's singing "very sexy girl, who's very hard to please." Yeah well he still does it aha. Now a few of you are probably going by now who the fuck was the fourth guitarist.
Well here's a picture of him.

His real name Richard Fortus.
My name for him. The dickmuch who avoided the camera, dressed exactly like Izzy Stradlin, had the same fucking guitar as Izzy Stradlin and basically made the whole crowd think he was Izzy Stradlin until basically the end. Fuck you. This is what he was wearing
And then to Ron "Bumblefoot" I-think-I'm-fucking-Slash-but-i'm-a-poser fuck you as well. While the guitar solo for November Rain he got onto the piano and played. Asshole.
But thank god for DJ Ashba, no only is he hot as fuck, he can play a guitar and kept I think everyone entertained.
Axl Was swinging the mic around like a lunatic as usual and nearly clocked him in the head with the mic like five times, made me laugh. 'Cause after that DJ wouldn't stay on the same size of the stage as him. Axl didn't talk at all between songs it was just one song after another, which I didn't like very much, and then after they went off they came back on and played the usual "Paradise City" before leaving for good. It was amazing though, I'd go and see them again in a heartbeat.

Then freak accident

After we were like half-way home my brother remembered that we forgot our camera at the stadium (isn't he smart?) so we had to turn around and go and get it. Well the place was like EMPTY when we got there and as my brother goes to get the camera I was texting my friend and I dropped my phone and it went like skittering across the floor, so I went after it. Then I hear this voice.
"What the hell was that" and then I hear footsteps and the same voice "Uhh here you go, you dropped this " and I look up and it`s fucking DJ ASHBA with my phone. So I said hi to him and shit and we talked and then my brother found us and we talked with him somemore and he signed my phone. and yeah it was kickass.

I met DJ Ashba,
he`s hot xD
It`s true

Oh and if you like Guns N' Roses.
I think you should check out Wasting Love and Roxanne, my stories.

Until Next Time
Sex, Drugs and Rock N`RollSlash
January 19th, 2010 at 02:37am