More from the secret life of the problematic fourteen-year old. *smirks*

- ten minutes later -

GREAT NEWS. *smiles like those freaky stewardesses who force themselves to look happy*

I just found out my mother was rushed to the hospital last night. Apparently I was the last person in my family to find out what had happened to her.


She's going on a trip with my siblings on Sunday. *creepy smile*. My dad isn't even going with her. So yeah. She's gonna have to take care of siblings who always go through sugar rushes and never seem to stop talking and moving around. Good luck to her.

Well, me and my mother were never the perfect tandem. The only times we don't fight are those times when she bribes me with stuff for me to "love" her. Pfft. Even I can do better than the sick prank she's pulling off.

I mean, really. No offense to you people of mibba who love their mothers, but I just can't seem to find the motherly love and compassion every mother is "supposed to" possess.

Anyway, I prefer to keep my emotional problems towards my mother a secret. Maybe I'll write about it in one of my next journals. Tell me if you think I should. *winks*

I bet you guys have noticed a change in the way I'm writting my journals.
Well, if you don't, that just goes to show that you're an uncaring mibban who doesn't bother reading the journals of this girl who really enjoys writting them.

That last thing I wrote. It reminds me of a childhood friend of mine. We knew each other even when we were toddlers. I'd probably consider him my first friend. *reminiscing*

I remember those days when the ozone layer was still intact. It's holes were still small. Those were the days when me and my friend would play at the playground. Running in circles around the slide. Sad to say, there was only one slide, so we had to take turns. Those days were fun. We were still so carefree and the sun didn't burn us to death like the sun now.

Well, anyways, those were the days when I really enjoyed the company of a friend.

Friendship nowadays is such a complicated thing in life.

Friendship nowadays is so fabricated.

It's like getting yourself tangled in a bunch of vines. If you do the right thing, the vines will grow wherever you want it too. But if you do something that will make your friendship, you know, "worse" those vines will grow everywhere. You won't be able to control it's growth. And maybe, if it grows too fast or too much, it'll strangle you until you breathed your last breath.

That's friendship in the modern world. Case closed.

Anyways, it's good to know that me and my childhood friend are still friends until now. But he's younger than me. So yeah.

I'm getting really annoyed with this journal. I mean, I love writing in them, it's that rule that you have to capitalize the first letter of each sentence and the proper nouns. And you aren't allowed to write bad words and stuff. I'm not saying i hate it. It's just such a hassle to type something so long, then I have to go back and edit it 'cause it has to be "in correct grammar". Case regarding writing in correct grammar closed.

Oh my, I'm becoming lawyer-ish. Or judge-ish?

I can't really tell. I'm not into those types of things.

I'm sorry to disappoint you guys with this suckish journal. I'm just so bored and I'm resting from a science and religion exam this morning.

Tell me what you guys think !

[c] HIT THE LIGHTS for the title
March 5th, 2010 at 09:20am