To the Readers of "Want Your Bad Romance"

To the Readers of Want Your Bad Romance (whom I love very, very much) -

I must admit, I don't have much of a plot in mind for this story, and I'd like to ask you what you want to read.

So… what do you want to read?

Do you want an actual plot - complications, awkward situations, etc - or just a bunch of fluff? Personally, this was a project to get me writing something actively instead of planning for months, which really turns me off of the writing process. I hate prewriting. My favorite part of the writing process is writing fluff, and my current projects were definitely lacking that. Therefore, I started this to write fluff. However, I can also incorporate a plot, if that's what you want to read. ^_^

Spoiler: There will be an affair. OMG, didn't see that coming did you? Haha, alright. Some suggestions or questions you can answer, since I want your opinion:

Do you want the affair to come to light?

Do you want there to be a good/tolerant reason for the affair?

Do you want a deep, philosophical subplot involving Johnny and Vanessa's relationship?

Do you want a happy, sad, or bittersweet ending?

I really want to know what you want to read. But remember - this story is rated PG-13, and will stay PG-13. There may be sex, violence, and other mature content, but it will remain PG-13-descriptive... if that makes sense...

Any ideas are welcome. I may or may not use them, as I reserve the rights of writer of this story. You suggestions are basically inspiration. I will most likely credit if you coax an epiphany out of me. It really is the readers that matter, and I'd like to know what would make you happy (even if I won't necessarily use it, haha >.<). ^_^
March 31st, 2010 at 07:03am