Please Read (:

Hellllo my fellow Mibbans (:

So here are a few things I need to tell everyone.

First: I will be on Mibba less frequently from now on. Why? Because I'm starting college on the 23rd of August, and my best friend in the whole wide world is leaving for a year on the 24th of August, so I will be spending pretty much all time with her until she leaves.
So. If I don't respond for a day or so, don't get mad, because I'm not ignoring you, I'm just very busy.

Second: My stories will be therefore updated less frequently. I'll still try to update them once a week or so, especially the popular ones, because I always like writing and I know people like to read them. I am also no longer taking one shot or banner least until further notice.

So there. I'm not leaving Mibba, God knows I would never do that! But I will have less time. At least until I get adjusted to college and stuff. But yeah. You know.
If you want to keep up with me in a more reliable way is facebook.

I love you guys!
August 15th, 2010 at 05:33am