Falling for Your Best Friend...

I think I'm falling for my best friend. It's weird...I've only thought of him as a brother for the longest time...for years. We even joke that we're related because we're both Portuguese...but lately I've been growing more and more jealous of girls who flirt with him and picture us together.

The freaky part is I was bored and made a list of everything I'm looking for in a guy.
He. Fit. Every. One.

I've always told myself if I wanted to go out with him it should be after high school (this year) because I don't want to ruin what we have now as best friends. But as Christmas Break rolls on...I miss him more and more...And he talks about this really nice girl that he likes..and I can't do anything about it because I don't want him to know what I've been thinking and feeling..and I really like the girl he likes lol. She's super nice, so it's not like I don't approve (for once). It's just a difficult and strange situation to be in.

Well, for one thing, I've grown to appreciate hanging out with him more, even if we're not hanging as a couple. Has this ever happened to you?
December 28th, 2010 at 05:33am