'Whispers in the Snow'

So in chapter 31, Clarice and Haley end up watching a tear-jerker called 'Whispers in the Snow.' I figured I would explain the backstory to it:

We were heading out to see Megamind. It's me and maybe 6 cousins of various ages piled into a minivan. On the way we pick up my 10 year old cousin named...Allen. And despite the fact that Allen knows perfectly well that we're going to see Megamind, he insists on making life difficult for us. It's just one of his pastimes.

Allen: "Where are we going?"
Us: "Dude, you know where we're going. Just be quiet."
Allen: "No, really, where are we going?"

This continues for several minutes.

Someone who finally got fed up: "We're going to the movies."
Allen: "Oh? Which one?"
Us: "Which one do you think, Allen?" (keep in mind that Megamind was the only kids' movie playing at the time)
Allen: I don't know! Which one.

This also continues for a few minutes. Finally I cut in drily:

Me: "We're going to see Whispers in the Snow."
Allen: "What?!"

Our car, you see, is composed entirely of girls. The guys are coming in a different car, but Allen hasn't realized it yet. So all the females in the car (including my aunt, who was driving) play along about this fictional 'Whispers in the Snow.'

"It's a heartwarming story about a blind girl who refuses to give up the violin," I say with a straight face. There's no way I'd go to such a movie. "The ending is supposed to be tragic."

"Really?" Allen asks in disgust and surprise. I'm pretty sure he was just playing along.

"Yeah. I mean, we could have gone to see something else, but we thought it would be a good movie."

This conversation about the poor blind violinist continues until we go to pay for tickets. All the cousins are jokingly pretending to ask one another for 'Whisper' tickets and when one of us realizes that there's movie with the word 'snow' in the title, we bust up laughing. When my aunt asks for Megamind tickets. Allen fakes a confused look.

"I thought we were going to 'Whispers in the Snow.' " We laugh and say we're going to Megamind.

"Oh," says Allen. "But I was kinda looking forward to it."

And that is how the cousins-only-ish inside joke of 'Whispers in the Snow' came to be. We still use it to describe something ridiculously cheesy and cliched.
December 29th, 2010 at 08:46am