Artist Statement

I view myself as an artist of many forms. I draw, perform music and write. All three of these tie together. Drawing a picture might give me something to write about, and to turn it into a piece of music.

To me being an artist is important because it lets me explore my imagination. If people didn’t have music, poetry, stories, paintings, singing or dancing, I imagine life would be very boring. Being an artist, I believe, feeds the imagination.

I feel that my role as an artist is not just for entertaining but to teach as well. Many stories, poetry, pieces of music with well written lyrics, are embedded with direct or indirect messages that teach lessons. My music teacher told my class that a musician is not an entertainer, but a therapist. I agree with this because every artist puts emotion into their work. Being an artist, it is impossible not to put any emotion into any piece of work.

My single goal as an artist is bring something new into the world, whether it is a piece of writing or a piece of music. I like to see the reactions of others and hear their opinion about my work.

I hope that art will take me somewhere I want one day. I love to take photography, perhaps I may be a professional photographer as a hobby. Perhaps I will write and illustrate my own manga one day. Perhaps I will compose a song and either perform it, or sell it. I love art, but my only wish is that it stays as a hobby. I'm a bit scared that if I take it into a profession, I might not like it anymore. But maybe my thoughts towards that idea will change, maybe art will be the core of my profession.

Creative writing has helped me explore the areas of writing I've never thought about. The whole Theme/Character/Setting/ has helped me greatly and showed my the depths at which writing can go.
January 12th, 2011 at 01:57am