Tips on Writing

Five things that help me write, so I will share it all with you:

-I have to be in a certain mood when I write. I can't really write unless I have a huge urge.

-I find it is easier to write when I am alone in order to write something decent. I find it harder to write with people around. It's kinda distracting.

-When I have an idea I jot it down on a spare piece of paper or quickly type it down on my phone or ipod.

-Music will sometimes give me ideas on what to write about to. Sometimes a "songfic" may actually come to mind,

Audience vs What I like:
-I often write a piece on something my audience might want. Writing something that the audience likes gets me good feedback. Sometimes what I like interferes with what the audience might want. Perhaps consider yourself AND the audience to create something all new, you might like it better than you planned.
January 12th, 2011 at 03:52am