Mibba Come Share in My Best Day Ever (I love you, Cute Guitarist, & Escape the Fate!)

So Friday was my bestie's 17th birthday but like I said in my other journal "if anyone asks she's 16..." back to the point!

For her birthday we went to a Drive-A, Get Scared, Motionless in White, Alesana, and Escape the Fate concert.

It was the best night of my life!

I met all of the bands (except Get Scared but idk who they are :/)!

Back to my favorite parts.

So this really small band call Drive A came on. I didn't know who they were or ever even heard of them (my bestie did though) so anyway they came on and were so freaking amazing they blew me away!

The guitarist caught my attention most though, I don't know why, maybe because he was super cute.. Even when the singer jumped into the crowd and stood right on top of us basically (he was standing on his knees and the crowd had to hold him up) I kept my eyes on the guitarist who was on stage. I held onto the singer for a while but kept getting distracted. I mean the guitarist was amazing.

Ok so after them Get Scared came on, nothing interesting to report except they were pretty good.

So we were really close to the stage until Motionless in White came on and we got pushed back >.<

They were amazing even though I only know one song; it was the last song they sang too and I was singing my heart out.

My hair also started to frizz up and I threw it in a crappy bun, by the end of the show I looked like crap!

Then Alesana came on, who were showed up for, and rocked the house!

So after they got off my bestie and I couldn't stay in the crowd anymore, it was killing us. She was going to let me stay and watch and go wait in the lobby but I told her I couldn't stand it either and took off with her. We went to see Alesana anyway so i didn't mind missing Escape the Fate up close.

So we went in the lobby and I bought a motionless in White cd so I could meet the band.

I don't really know them but I like one song and I thought "at least I could say I met them right?" so I got their autographs on the cd and took a picture with the singer and some of the rest of the band (I don't have the pictures now because my bestie took them on her camera).


So then we waited around for Alesana to come out and when we were waiting Escape the Fate came on. I decided I was going to watch from the back on songs I like.

Also I noticed Drive A wondering around randomly and I really wanted to talk to one of them but was too nervous for some reason.

Finally "Something" by Escape the Fate came on and I took off, my friend wanted to be the first to meet Alesana so she stayed. When i was walking in though I see the guitarist from Drive A standing in the back, I have no idea how I saw him in the dark, and I looked and was going to keep going but my body started walking towards him.


Then I was in front of him and was like.

Me: Aren't you from that band, Drive A?
Him: Yeah *gives me light hug* (yes he gave me a hug ^.^)
Me: Actually I never heard of you guys before but I wanted to say you were amazing and I'm a fan now.
Him: Then he said something I couldn't hear but it sounded like "I'm a fan too" or something then he was like:
What's your name?
Me: *thinking if I should give him my birth name or real name* Brycea (yeah he's so cool he gets my birth name ^.^)
Him: Hi I'm Jason *grabs my hand and shakes it. We love Arizona.
Me: Really?
Him: *nods head*
Me: I don't, I live here but wanna move to California.
Him: *nodding* I like California.
Me: *Gets nervous all of a sudden* Can I have another hug? *Holds up arms*
Him: Aww, Yes! *grabs me and gives me bigger hug.
Me: Ok, I'm gonna go watch them now *points at Escape the Fate who I'm shocked I remember was even there ;)*
Him: 'Kay bye.

So yeah... *squeals*

So I watched Escape the Fate then went back and waited with my bestie, soon Alesana came out and I got their autograph but no pictures. My bestie just wanted pictures of the band not with them.


After they left she wanted to see Escape the Fate and so we did.

They played "Situations" it seemed like no one in the crowd knew it... After they were done we rushed back out and I decided last minute that I wanted to see them because even without Ronnie i still love the band.

So foREVer later ETF came out and Craig just walked right outside and started saying thanks to everyone that came and so on.
I was like "if I liked you I'd be super excited you were standing front of me" because he was seriously, two people away from me (I was in the front of the line).. I didn't say that out loud but was thinking it.

So I got my CD signed and when I stood in front of Robert (my favorite member) I felt like I wanted to cry.


He was signing my CD and I was like:
Me: *all nervous* Can I shake your hand?
Him: Of course *grabs hand and shakes it*
Me: (I didn't mean to say this but it slipped out >.<) I love you.
Him: *looks up and says the best thing ever* I love you

So I smiled and moved on because everyone else was waiting, then the bass player read my shirt and shook my hand. I shook all of their hands except one but I only wanted to shake Roberts hand so I'm happy.
Really crappy but my phone camera sucks.

Then we went back to the hotel and that's it, not really!

I found Jason (from Drive A) on twitter and followed him but was too scared to talk to him; but I did mention him XD.

I was like:
Is it lame that I'm sitting here wondering if @JasonDriveA from @DriveAband remembers me? YaI'm lame...

So a little later I got a new follower, guess who it was...


I still haven't talked to him but he's following me! The singer is also following me but he wasn't as cute as Jason...

Well I’m excited... that’s all I think.

1: Did you check out Drive A?
2: Am I lame?
3: Do you think I'm lame fir blurting out my feelings to Robert?
4: Should I have been more excited to shake Craig’s hand?
January 25th, 2011 at 05:19am