I Did It.

So you know how I've been talking about liking my best friend? Well after one of our school dances, I decided it was time to tell him.
So a few days later...
I did.

He was shocked, had no idea, and told me he's been repressing feelings for 6 years.

Who knew?

But the problem is...we don't like each other enough to actually be in a committed relationship. And we're going to different colleges next year almost for sure. Yes, there's still a bit of time from then and now but it still could be a difference.

Our feelings for each other change like every second..and it's too unstable to actually be in a relationship at this point. So we were gonna stay chill and see what happens on our own without analyzing everything (we think too much...it's a problem lol. Or at least I do...)

Then he brought up casual making out.
So basically, friends with benefits.
We're not usually like this...but we're bestest friends so Idk if it's as bad as I used to think of the concept. You know that movie "no strings attached" with natalie portman? i guess it could be like that..minus the sex cuz we don't do that...but we do like each other so it couldn't be that bad right?

What do you think? I think I'm just thinking too much. Like normal.

But what girl doesn't do that?
February 18th, 2011 at 08:13am