March 8, 2011

For any of you that are particularly observant, you might have noticed I have been MIA for about a week. The reason is I was plagued by dire illness, or at least dire in the aspect that it made me feel crummy. From last Sunday to Thursday, I had a cold making it hard for me to stay conscious. Thursday through today (still) I am battling a secondary infection of laryngitis. My first cold which morphed into my second cold kept me from writing, eating anything that wasn't pudding or yogurt, running a fever, and generally moaning about in my bed asking for Death to claim me before I drowned in a pool of my own snot (I know, TMI).

The fact that I was going through my own semi-Black Death experience kept me from writing or sitting up straight or really doing much of anything. I apologize for the lack of updates and blame the many sick children living in the day care below my apartment building for tracking in germs to my immediately surrounding area. After all, the children are our future unless we stop them now.

At any rate, I hope to resume more faithful updates as my health improves and hope these two current story updates are juicy enough to make up for the fact that I have been incapacitated for the past week. Believe me, if I had the choice, I would have been working on these 24/7 rather than laying around like a log or sitting around in various waiting rooms and lobbies in order to visit with doctors or fill prescriptions. If you can't tell already, this is the first time I've been severely ill to the point of bed rest in about four years, so I'm over dramatizing it a bit.

I hope you enjoy and stay in good health.

- Tony
March 9th, 2011 at 02:30am