August 29, 2011

I just honestly cannot stand some people. It gets on my last nerve when someone cracks a joke about someone’s appearance. I don’t care if it’s a joke, it’s immature and rude.

On twitter today, I saw a girl tweet:
“Unfollowed @brentfiasco, @georgeturkette and anyone who was standing up for their sorry asses. goodnight :)”
(I’m not going to include her twitter name.)

That tweet caught my eye, so I clicked on the two twitter names she mentioned and this is what I see on the first guy’s twitter,@brentfiasco:

Tweet 1: “I didn't see Adeles' performance, but let me guess... She sang, then poachers shot her with a tranquilizer and cut off her tusks.”

Tweet 2: “A-int D-oing E-xercises L-ets E-at”

Tweet 3: “Why did the chicken cross the road? Cause' Adele was chasing it with a fork and hot sauce.”

He then tweeted this: “Judging from my @replies not many of you know that I'm joking, so, relax! Just jokes. You guys said some awesome stuff to me haha.”

You’re completely hilarious, I can’t breathe. Please, keep making fun of Adele. I’m obviously being sarcastic.

After being completely appalled, I went to the next twitter name, @georgeturkette, and saw this:

Tweet 1: “How to deflate a balloon? Also, Adele?”

Tweet 2: “The only Disturbance in the Force is when Adele breaks wind.”

Tweet 3: “Adele makes me want to eat food.”

Tweet 4: “All the hate tweets I'm getting bareley add up to Adeles weight. #error”

Tweet 5: “I love @brentfiasco. Jokes are jokes but seriously. As @thatderyckguy said. Her mic = drumstick”.

Tweet 6: “When they show Adele, it doesn't all fit on the screen.”

Tweet 7: “Adele is up for the biggest award of the night because she is the biggest award of the night!”

I can’t even fathom why someone would do this. It’s the most disrespectful thing, yes, it might be a joke to them, but it definitely still hurts the person it’s directed to. All of those were directed to the highly talented Adele, and her weight. I have so much respect for her, I don’t enjoy her music, but all of the things she says about how she’s happy with who she is and how she looks/her weight, beautiful stuff. Girls need to realize that they are beautiful. Who cares if someone tells you otherwise, people in the world want to put you down. They want to make you insecure with yourself.

Society has formed this image of beautiful as ‘Skinny.’ Skinny being skin and bones, rib cages, no extra weight whatsoever. That is not beautiful. It’s disgusting, they look like starving children in Africa.

I’m not fond of the word beautiful, because it has adopted the meaning of: “skinny, perfect, flawless, perfect skin/no zits, perfect cute noses.”

The word beautiful has many meanings, a different meaning for every person!

This next part is directed towards those two men, let it be noted I’m saying this with such venom:

How dare you. How dare you make such statements when girls are so self-conscious of their weight and looks. I can’t even process how rude that is. You direct it at Adele, but technically it’s directed to anyone her size/overweight. It’s people like you that are making girls starve themselves, throw up after every meal etc. to be skinny. It’s people like you that make girls feel like they’re not good enough. @georgeturkette, You aren’t the skinniest shit ever, to state it honestly, you’re about the size of Adele, so you have no fucking room to make fun of her, get yourself on a diet before you make fun of a beautiful woman. It honestly hurts me to read those things you say. I hope you live a lonely life. Go fuck yourselves, you ignorant assholes.
August 29th, 2011 at 08:08am