My Chemical Romance, Live In Manila - 01/25/07 [Part 2]


So we all ran to the front and this time, the bouncers couldn't stop us, so they just barred us from slipping into VIP. Me and my friends had an agreement that if we lost each other in the crowd, we'd meet back later on, so I ended up on the fence, third from the front, like... fifteen feet away from MCR.

Then OHMYGOD I saw Frankie and Mikey and Gerard and Bob and RAY'S FROOOOOO!!! and just spazzed on the spot. Gerard began screaming, all 'ARE YOU FUCKING READY FOR US, PINOYS?!' and we screamed back at him.

Then they sang This Is How I Disappear and I was so glad that the people around me knew the lyrics, and we gave our all singing along.

Then they sang Dead!, which was freaking energetic, and Mama, which pwned so hard. Gerard was making us vocalize and 'insulting' the front rowers that the back row screamed louder, and he held a contest thing. XD He was doing the stroking himself thing, which drove us all insane, and he sang Liza Minelli's part and the fakew sobbing, and all the while, with a field of people singing 'WE ALL GO TO HELL!', I was trying to take pics and videos as much as I can [vids will be posted as soon I get to them].

Okay, so now I'm going to list some of the other songs they did, but I'll leave those with highlights later: The Sharpest Lives, I'm Not Okay, Give 'Em Hell Kid, My Way Home Is Through You, House of Wolves.

And now I shall start narrating out of the blue.

Sometime in the concert, Gerard mentioned how amazing it was to be so far away from home and have so many fans out here in the Philippines. He said it was like the entire fucking city was there!

And in 'Prison' everyone was singing and laughing along to the 'OW! OW! OW! OW! [and some guy was asking for Under Pressure XD], in Cemetery Drive the 'Way down!' part. When I Don't Love You came on everyone began to sing [since there were some posers and people who only knew the singles], and the same thing happened with Helena [it had an amazing intro, btw]. I was actually scared it was gonna be their last song, then was so glad that it wasn't since they came back on, mellower, with Desert Song, which barely anyone knew.

During the entire thing I made some friends in the mosh, and we'd smile at each other as we sang and we'd agree to say 'Now, on the count of three, we'll shout 'TORO!' and I mostly screamed 'GERRAAAAARRDDDD!' with the occasional 'FRANKIE! MIKEY [who was effing hot]!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBBB!!!' We'd guess what the next song would be, and be all squealie.

[EDIT: Official setlist:

1. This is How I Disappear
2. Dead!
3. I'm Not Okay
4. Give 'Em Hell, Kid
5. The Sharpest Lives
6. Mama
7. My Way Home is Through You
8. Cemetery Drive
9. Welcome to the Black Parade
10. I Don't Love You
11. Headfirst for Halos
12. House of Wolves
13. Kill All Your Friends
14. You Know What They Do to Guys Like us in Prison
15. Teenagers
16. Helena
17. Sleep
19. Piano piece by James Dewees
20. Desert Song
21. Famous Last Words]

And Gerard was all, 'I'm gonna ask you to sing along, if you know this one,' and WTTBP began and the crowd just accapellaed the 'When I was a young boy...' part and it was just unbelievable, and I teared up when Gerard got to 'The world will never take my heart...'

Surprisingly, the instrumental part of Sleep was a perfect mosh song, but it really got earthshattering when it came to Teenagers. Gerard made us pump our fists everytime he did! And he fell to the floor at the end.

He introduced a song as one he wanted to include in TBP, and it was Kill All Your Friends, which is freakin awesome to scream out. They also did a song off the first record, Bullets, which is Headfirst For Halos. Somewhere in the other songs Frank and Mikey both kissed Gerard different times and Gerard always had some weird move, like pelvic thrusts and hip gyrations and spazzing and hand movements and facial expressions. He even blew OUR side kisses for being so loud!

When Cancer rolled in I was so near tears. He sang it so beautifully. I've been stalking the big screen everytime there were close-ups, since it was hard to take close-ups with my digicam, and my hand was shaking as I videod it. I really thought it was over by then, since I heard they always finished with Cancer, then FLW came on.

There was a girl behind me holding an 'MCR SAVED MY LIFE' banner, and I told her they saved my life too, in fact this song did, and another one agreed.

I didn't cry during the entire thing and was just focused on singing along, jumping, moshing, and taking pics, but at that moment I suddenly began sobbing.

'I am not afraid to keep on living...'

And I knew I would never doubt that statement ever again. I looked around and my new friends were crying too. I couldn't even sing anymore. The onslaught of tears was overwhelming.

At 'I see you lying next to me...' I almost couldn't breathe. I was watching, not even taking vids or pics anymore, and just trying to absorb them, every single one of them, and they were there. My heroes, those five men were right in front of me and that moment was just unbelievable. It all sank in that I was watching them, and it was almost over, and at the last chorus I just sang, my voice crying.


I believed them. I did. I always will. Even if I left that venue and went home and moved on with life, I will always look back at those precious five minutes and know I have something to live for. It's all I need to think of now if I'm in a bad place. That's what it meant to keep the faith.

And then Gerard was saying 'Goodnight Pinoys!' and then they were gone.

And I was just like... in shock. They were gone.
And they gave me more than a concert. They gave me back the courage and hope I need to carry on in my life. They gave me the best night ever.

I sneaked into the VIP section since people were asking for stuff from the tecchies, and I spotted a water bottle Frank threw to the ground and asked a guy for it. Some people bought the picks and drum sticks for 500 and 1000 pesos.

I GOT FRANKIE'S WATER BOTTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then we met up with my friends who were in Gen. Ad. and my best friend was crying and I started crying too as we hugged and told each other about what happened.
Then my other friend's ride came and we rode with him, and I wasn't able to meet up with Kei and Jo again.

As we were in the car, going home, an entourage passed by with lots of escorts and we realized it was them! I didn't get to take pics since I was taking vain pics with the bottle. O.o Damn it.

Then I got home with my friend since she was getting picked up at my house, and we were just in aftershock mode.

During the night I couldn't sleep and could only think about what happened.
Especially the end.

Even the morning after [I went to school for orchestra], I wore my new Teenagers jersey and black and white sports shorts and when people asked how the concert went, I just said 'Very good,' since I didn't expect them to understand anyway.

At orch some guy kept making emo hints and I totally lashed out him, totally pissed off. No one has the right to intrude on my happiness like that. I felt like posting a blog to my school friends that if anyone ever mentions the word 'emo' to me ever again, I'd beat them up and smash their faces in. No kidding.

Now, everytime I even think about FLW, or look at my pics and videos, I get goosebumps and I cry. I'm doing it now. I can't believe it happened. I never wanted to leave. I just wanna sob and dream about it forever now. Much like the song 'I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing' by Aerosmith and 'Greatest Story Ever Told' by Duncan Sheik.

It's not how I imagined, since I wanted to be closer and I wanted a meet and greet and to give KTF personally, but hell... it surpassed my expectations at the same time. I'm so... overwhelmed and happy and glorious and grateful.

I don't think I can ever express in words how much I want to live it all over again. Right now I'm desperately trying to remember it as fragments are quickly slipping from my memory.

I need to remember.
It will keep me alive someday.

But then again, Gerard said something along the lines of 'you guys are fucking lucky, 'coz you're getting us twice!'

Does that mean they'll be back again somewhere in 2008? Is it possible?

I can only hope it's true.

Until then...

Never again will I be afraid to keep on living.
My Chemical Romance, you have always been amazing, and you will forever be heroes.
Thank you for saving me... again.

Famous Last Words indeed.



To everyone who greeted me and wished me luck and the best for the concert, thank you so sosososososo much. I'm actually too lazy to reply to all of it [XD] but I hope these pics would make up for it.

My friend's pics of the concert!
MCR in Toy Kingdom

Thank you for keeping the faith.
January 26th, 2008 at 12:33pm