Feel Free to Keep Ignoring Me

Feel free to keep ignoring me

Details don’t matter to you.
Then I wonder on what the entirety
is built? On errors and flaws?
Or gaping voids?
How can something brilliant
be constructed from defects?

Like a magnificent painting
splashed with stains that scars it
your masterpieces is damaged.
Yet you will hear
nothing of it as if you don’t care
and think that I look too closely.

I must come off as arrogant
for speaking my mind but I
will never worship anything
that isn’t perfect.
And perfection doesn’t exist.

Copyright © 2007
♠ ♠ ♠
I have other poems* that are written in a similar kind of style. So I have decided to link them together and make them a collection or a series. They are supposed to be snapshots of the lives of two best friends. And to make it easier for everyone to tell the two of them apart I’m going to call the two friends Dante and Virgil. This particular poem is a Virgil snapshot.

*And I know it’s blunt but whatever
* “God help those who help themselves”
*ATTENTION! Just take it already.
* I’ve Had it With Your Hypocrisy