The Angel and The Truth

You're fat.
And ugly.
You're so unloved.
And, don't forget
God frowns on you
From above.
Sweet shit too.
Did I mention
She died
Because of you?
Heart aches now.
Well, out with the sin!
Don't forget
You're depised
By a l l of your kin.
Feel sick now, don't you?
You know I'm right.
Just go disappear;
Get out of my sight.
You hate me
I know it
But you won't amount to much.
And why the fuck
Is she
Who you want to touch?!
You're sick.
And disgusting.
And don't really cry.
Don't forget
She's straight
And you're bi.
Suck it up
Smile, now
You're just a mistake.
Take the hint
Take yourself
Out of this place.
You feel sick.
You feel tired.
Though she just talked you down.
You told her
You were smiling
But really
You frowned.
Take a deep breath
And a short walk
Down the hallway
Out with the sin;
it's the only way!
Just do it!
You need to!
Before it's to late!
After all, you're the reason
That she met her fate.
One way or another
You're gonnna cause yourself pain.
If she loved you or not,
Would you still think the same?
You already feel it;
Now just make yourself sick.
No one gives a fuck
Just do it, you shit!
You can cry,
You can scream,
You could go out for a walk.
Either way
She's gone
And it's all your fault.