White Roses Fade to Black

This isn't a fanfic, my first attemp at a NORMAL original story.
Hope you guys like it and the story! <3 xoxox

basically, there's a group of friends: three brothers (Mike, Calum and David); two best friends (Lucie and Lesley); and one popular girl (Katherine). Mike dies, and everyone is damn depressed. so, things are just getting worse around there. Lesley is worst because her and Mike loved each other (but were too scared to say) but she's fallen for someone else. Lucie is keeping something from everyone, because she's staying strong. David and Calum are suffering emensly form the loss of their amazing brother. David, Lucie, Lesley and Katherine are in year 11 at Belview Comprehensive school; Calum is 18 and at college; and Mike was 20 and working in a store to pay for further school. new characters coming soon (not famous, i swear)

seeing as I got ONE comment for my last update (where i added 3 new chapters), I'm taking a leaf out of my friend Faded Angel's book. i want 3 comments for each chapter or you don't get an update. I was gonna do a sequel and possibly even a second sequel, but me thinks you guys don't like this story so much so I might even stop updating and just delete it.

DESCRIPTION UPDATE: if you read will you please comment and read the next chapters? if you don't like, don't read! but if you do, please read and comment. there aren't many chapters left after this, so don't worry. and you probably won't get a sequel coz i won't have 75 comments for this one.


  1. James Michael Kinkle
    In this chapter, you meet the two main charactars. more like a prologue than a chapter...
  2. "I Got Distracted, Miss"
    We meet Katherine and Lesley has an outburst
  3. David and Caulm
    Kinda short chapter this time...
  4. "Well Done, Calum! Asshole!"
    Yeah, this chapters more anger than anything else... kinda sets up chapter 5
  5. Little Bit of Love Goes a Long Way
    David and Lucie finally get together. Lesley has a nosebleed and Calum goes searching for her.
  6. Old Habits Die Hard
    This one is pretty sad...
  7. "I Miss You..."
    Bit of background on Lucie's life, and more on what Lesley's feeling.
  8. My Immortal
    Not much more in this chapter. Lucie says a prayer and Lesley and Calum hug. Poor David is ill *upsettedness*
  9. It's Okay to Cry
    Don't know what to say about this one...
  10. Hearts and Wrists In Tact...?
    Something bad happens in this chapter. Apologies if it's shit; it was written at 3 am
  11. "The Day You Slipped Away."
    Another one of my favorite songs in this chapter, and more sadness. Again, written at 3 am.
  12. Sweet, Innocent, Sixteen
    Nothing big happening here. They visit David and sleep for a while.
  13. It All Started With a Smile...
    New characters, as promised.
  14. "There's just something about you..."
  15. Pansy
    Kind of a mixed and ***ed up chapter I got here. Sad at the beginning and the middle, but kinda happier at the end. Which I'm half proud of, half not. Anyways, enjoy!
  16. Just a Dream?
    Aaaaaaaaaaah read and see!!!
  17. A Wanderers Return, Study Dates and Nightmares
    Basically, each part of the title marks a part of the chapter and what happens
  18. Sins Forgiven
    Pretty much self explanitory, apart from the sin that's forgiven. Read and find out!
  19. Sweet Dreams of Insanity
    Three completely different parts to this chapter.
  20. Long Live the Car Crash Hearts
    Deathy. Sad and hopefully you'll cry.
  21. Epilogue