Oh, the day in the life of... oh, whatever - Comments

  • 1. I need to catch up; when your TV takes a sh*t for a year, you really miss out! I love Dean's sideways smile... ;D
    2. I DUNNO b/c I'm really just stalking the journals lately xD
    3. Nuffin'.
    June 25th, 2011 at 04:13pm
  • 1. Love it! Except I don't get to watch it that much :[ *sigh*
    2. Maybe people flock to things with cliche plotlines or a fanfic about someone really popular? I have no idea, but I wish I could get a bunch of subscribers for just a few chapters :P
    3. Eh, it's some boring rainbow thingy. I haven't changed it in forever. Actually, I think I'll go change it right now!
    June 25th, 2011 at 03:42pm
  • 1. Hot brothers. *-*
    2. Um...well some of them are very sexual. Written like crap. But sexual. Maybe they whore. I don't really know. Just my guess. Others...some people might not know good writing if it slapped them in the face. Their like "Ooo, Emo princess meets hot vampire. Let them get married~!!" xD I really don't know. People can be strange. Sorry if I sound mean.
    3. An anime chick. Zoomed in. Because if it was full it would look pixel-ish. So...she don't have a head. But she's an awesome knight~!
    June 25th, 2011 at 10:07am