22 Is Hard - Comments

  • A lot of people no matter how old they are feel lost at some point in their lives. Right at this moment I don't feel like that, but I did a couple of years ago. I am a full time teacher and a divorce mother of two children. Too much stress with work and raising my son and daughter took a toll of tension. I was completely alone even though their dad was in their life. I felt like I needed something else besides teaching and raising my kids. I needed to feel something else. I am 30 years old and for some people that's old. I don't consider myself an old person, but I wanted to so something to not feel so empty. I started doing some hobbies on the side like going to a few Zumba classes. Whenever the kids were with their dad I went to the movies (sometimes with friends and sometimes by myself). I did things that made me feel active which helped a lot with all the stress I lived throughout my daily routines.

    All that actually helped. I am currently in a relationship. My kids are in school and I am still actively doing things besides work and raising them so I can feel productive and not alone or empty.

    You are young. You have your whole life ahead of you. I believe you are going to do fine as long as you keep your mind doing things you love to do. School and work are important but don't forget to also do things for yourself, besides those daily compromises. I hope this helped.
    September 4th, 2016 at 09:16pm
  • I feel that way too sometimes, and I'm only 20. Even though I have a college degree, I can't get a job and spend my days just filling the empty time. "Feeling lost" is a good way to describe it. Unsure
    September 3rd, 2016 at 03:31pm
  • I bet there are a lot of 22 year olds that feel just like you. I feel lost sometimes too. and a little meltdown is sometimes necessary to pick things up again after. I believe you will find your way between all the other adults who have no clue what they are doing ;)
    September 2nd, 2016 at 10:13pm