Stuck, confused, and dont know what to do. - Comments

  • Sorry Rose , if im bothering you so muchh.
    I will not go to you and tell my problems,
    and if you and your brother think that im
    acting EMO, think again Rose, im not.
    Maybe i just love your brother so muchh.
    but its okay, if he can move on then i can.
    : ) thnks for you advices , i so appreciate it.
    July 24th, 2008 at 01:35pm
  • Don't give up on her. She may think of you as a therapist, but she also thinks of you as a friend. And right now is the worst time to lose a friend. Time heals all wounds, no matter how deep. You just have to give her your advice, and if she doesn't follow it, and comes back for different advice, say:

    I told you my opinion on this situation. You know what to do, you know that you can't rely on me to get your life back on track. I can only do so much.

    And if she doesn't stop then, you have to tell her that you'll be her friend, but you can't help her with her problems. I truly believe that every human knows what to do in any situation, but they ask others for second opinions.

    Hope this helped, and feel free to message me, or just talk. Whatever.
    July 13th, 2008 at 05:16pm