I need help with a guy...

I am just copying and pasting this from another website. I am posting this question wherever I have an account because I want as many opinions as possible.

Here it goes:

Post #1: O.K., I have this friend... Let's call him "Bob". Well, Bob and I went through a rough period a few months before school ended, but things got better about a month before summer. We would chat, have a laugh maybe, etc. At the beginning of summer we texted some, but then we lost touch... I guess we both got busy or whatever, but the point is there was no contact. When I came back to school, he wouldn't talk to me. He wouldn't even look at me. He also seemed sort of spacey or sad. I asked my other friend (a girl, who's also close to him) if she knew anything about his strange behavior. She was like "Oh, yeah, he's upset about this girl that he liked," or something like that. At first I tried to guess who it was (I was sure I knew who his crush was), but my friend wouldn't say, only saying it was "a good friend of hers". So I went about as normal, but after another week or so "Bob" still wouldn't talk to me. He gave a friendly poke once, but other than that he's totally ignored me (no waves, no eye contact, nothing). He's talking and laughing with all his other friends, so I know he's still not depressed about this girl, but how come he won't talk to me?! I'm so confused! Does he maybe not want to be friends anymore?

Post #2: Confronting him may be difficult. I get kind of nervous (although this happens in most confrontations with me), and I always smile weird. I think I may have some bizarre disease that makes me act like a total goof. And NO, I don't like him. I refuse to like him. EVER! Even if I did like him, he'd be clueless. He's always clueless.

Wait... That wasn't even the point of this. Let me start again. I can't confront him, so any bright ideas?

Post #3: Well... I talked to my other friend again (the girl) and she said nothing's wrong with him, and that he's just being moody. He's treating her in a similar way. I only realized this a little while ago, but he did show signs of maybe liking me last year. But that was before the rough period... And when I say rough, I mean really rough. I can't explain, but it was bad. After we sorted things out (or so I thought), things became normal... We'd say hi, maybe have a little chat, but that'd be it.

Now... I'm just really sad. He was a little better today (he playfully stuck out his tongue out at me and I smiled), but I'm still confused. I don't want to drift apart, but if we are, I guess I don't have any choice but to go along with it.

Post #4: Ummm, I think I left out an important piece of information. Last year, "Bob" and my other friend liked each other. I know my other friend definitely really liked him, but with "Bob" it seemed to go back and forth. They never really dated, but when they had problems I would encourage them to work it out, and I often helped "Bob" make up with her (giving him ideas for apologies, "I'm sorry" gifts, what to say, etc.). Maybe helping him so much to get another girl pushed him away? I don't know... Our relationship was (is?) complicated. There are so many things to consider.

If you actually read all this, you have got to be the most patient (and/or bored) person in the world. And if you actually tried to help, then I am eternally grateful!!!
September 10th, 2008 at 12:14am