I Think I'm One Of Those People Who Have Bad Luck... (only the part where i fell down the stairs)

Okay. Literally like 2 days ago...I fell down the stairs. God that hurt. My back AND my elbow still hurt from the incident. And what's even worse...my cousins in the army. What else could possibly go wrong? He's gonna be in the army for like 6 years. Damn, I knew he shoulda signed up for 2. Whatevs. Maybe it'll teach him a lesson. Who knows? Before he left, me, him, his girlfriend, and my two other cousins Kate and Chris went bridge jumping. In a dirty lake. I was like praying to God that they wouldn't kill themselves. I mean, I almost killed MYSELF by falling down the friggin stairs!!!!!! I seriously need mental help. I'm such a klutz. Here's the story on how I fell down the stairs........

Okay. I was like running away from my grandma cause she was yelleing at me cause i like spilt juice on the new couch (WH00PS!) anyways... I was running downstairs and I slipped. I was telling this to my friends today and I was like, "Hey guess what? I fell down the stairs like 2 days ago!" I was actually laughing when I was telling then this. No, seriously, I need mental help. Good God what have I gotten myself into?
September 27th, 2008 at 04:32am