School Musical and other things

Alright so I figured I would write another journal entry because I was bored and I had nothing else better to do.

In my life: We got the puppy. She's nuts. She chewed up a couch cushion. She also got out at night last night and her being black and all I couldn't find her so I was literally hyperventilating and I don't think that I've cried that much since my parents had this massive fight when I was eleven but I digress. So I was in the backyard with a flashlight and holdin the dogtreats with my grandmother next to me (we had gone home to take care of the dogs, yes I have two, since my parents are out of town this weekend) and I was screaming her name and crying and flashing the flashlight into the woods and the trees on the side of my yard and then I fell. I just shrunk to the ground and cried. My grandmother pulled me up and said that we should check in the front to see if she went back to the front door. Well we walk up there and there she is all happy and smug and waggin' her tail. She went inside and I probably made her sick from all the treats I gave her.

The cat and the dog get along together and Shadow, well Shadow just plays rough with her and it gets me nervous because he's a hunting dog so he bites hard. I don't want Marley to get hurt.

My grandparents have a kitten. His name is Rum-a-tum-tugger, ya know like from Cats the broadway show? My sister and I call him Tums. He white and gray and he is the cutest little snuggle bucket. If your sitting down he jumps up on you and curls on top of you and he doesn't care if you were just about to get up or what you have to do; you have become his throne and he intends to sit on you.

My granparents are actually getting a second kitten and his name is going to be Tigger, cause he's orange. So it'll be Tigger and Tugger. Cute huh? Tigger is going to be very playful. So Tigger will be the playful one and Tugger will be the cuddler.

In other news: The school musical this year is Into The Woods, a Stephen Sondheim show. He is the genious behind Sweeny Todd (-_-). I was all excited because it was like he went from the worst kids show in the world, to the best kids show in the world. But it isn't because like half the cast dies because a giant kils them. I'm really nervous though because there are only 11 girl parts and its my last year at my middle school. It doesn't matter that I have been made immortal because I will forever be known as Mayzie La Bird to Connecticut (and people still ask me 'Hey weren't you in the musical last year? Who were you?' and then I have to tell them who I was, check Seussical the Musical) and I was totally aresome last year but I really really want a part and I already told my mom that I would purposely stay back if I didn't get a part this year. Oh and we were better than Choate Rosemary High School last year. That's the school that our dear president went to (once again -_-).

The OTHER other news: There was a big fire in my town and Lilyth (lils171901.......I think...or it could just be lils1901........oh I can't remember) called me up frantic because she thought that it was the house of a friend of hers. But it wasn't. Of course it wasn't.

I'm also getting confirmed this year and one of the guys who is in my confirmation class is is 16 and has a son. OH MY GOD. It was just weird. I felt so terrible. I also had to talk about my friend who ahem did a certain thing to herself that most of you know about and I almost started crying.

OH and you guys are going to be so proud of me, I ACTUALLY FLIRTED WITH AN ACTUAL GUY. Given the fact that the guy is moving and is probably gay and his little sister hates me that probably takes him off the list of guys to flirt with. Ugh. Back to the old drawing board.

I'm pretty sure that that's it and I promise you that Abby will have her moment with Kevin in the story very very soon Lilyth. I promise. Alrighty then. Bye all!!!!!!
September 29th, 2008 at 01:35am