Great. I really need to vent.

I'm probably going to die in college. Everyone says I'll love it, and I'll I'm feeling is dread. With how this psychology class is going, I doubt it. I just cannot get motivate to do these papers or make them flow. They're choppy and feel incomplete... I have no idea how to fix it. I've been sitting here for days, staring at the two papers and can't think of anything. All these term papers I'm going to have to do... oh my god. Hellllp...

So far, no luck on the computer thing. I have a feeling that I'm not getting a new one any time soon. You all can thank my little sister for that. My dad had been talking about taking the internet out of our rooms for about a year, and now that mine computer died, lo and behold, he can just pretend to forget about it. This is ridiculous, not because of my writing. My sister and I now have to battle for a computer; lately, all my homework has to be done on the computer.

Also, I've been sick for the past week and a half. If I'm sick one more day, my parents are calling the home bound people again. Guess what that means? I get to stay home all day long, bored out of my mind, pulled out of dance since you're forbidden to do activities outside of school if you're not actually in school, spiral into depression unless one of my friends drags me out of my house every few days which probably won't happen since the one that did that moved to Singapore and supposedly that's illegal for them to do or something, lose motivation to do anything, and never be left alone once my parents notice. In the near future, I have so much make up work to do, and they won't send more than a paper or two per class. This scares me. At least tell me what I need to read... the only thing I have everything for is AAT.

Guys are fake flirting with me... it's annoying and rude...

Quite frankly, what the outcome of this election scares me beyond belief. The way I hear other Americans talking scares me. We shouldn't be this dependent on the government. At ALL.

And have I ever mentioned how much I HATE loud, unneeded noises? I.E. my dad and sister's voices, over dramatic sneezes, the telephone, the TV, car horns, sirens, alarm clocks... I almost want to be deaf because of them.

Then I've gotten into that entire vanity thing again... I hate feeling like this. I want to cry, but can't.

Augh... someone talk to me?
September 29th, 2008 at 02:46am