overacheiver? No. Overwhelmed.

So school's already back in full swing.
I'm honestly drowning.. already.
I'm in 536 math, and I got my first test back.. 58%. It's fine, most people failed. I know it's going to be harder this year. But it still sucks. However, I deserve it. I didn't really try too hard.

Leadership. We raised over $70 000 already for cancer research, and the whole event was amazing. I even got to go on the radio to talk about it. So now in media, I have a whole load of follow up work to do. (Thank yous, press release, contact medias, create a powerpoint for the entire school and school board about the event, and boards)

History. It's interesting sometimes, but most of it is repetitive and dull. So I couldnt hand in my essay on a thursday, due to computer troubles, so then friday was a ped day, and saturday and sunday passed. So monday i hand it in, and she takes it. I get it back today, and she said it was too late to grade, and didnt even read it. I missed one day?? And i got 0? SHE DIDNT EVEN READ IT. And it's worth 30% of my term.. so I've pretty much already failed.

I accidently signed up for yearbook editor? I don't want to be.

My personal project.. I'm WAY behind.

My english research paper is due monday.
Ive written one page, out of six.

I have to book an appointment with the guidance councellor. I need to ask about out of town colleges.

There's the PSAT in a couple weeks.

There's the SAT.

There's my drivers test on the 8th I havent studied for yet.

And I can't do any work this weekend cause I'm going to Peru camp for a prep course on my trip to Peru at the end of the year. I think I might have to pull out, I don't know if I'll have the money.

...help :(
October 2nd, 2008 at 02:24am