Why can't she be happy for me?

So today I was telling friends about the audition because I'm excited about it. Two of my friends asked me what's going to happen when I get the part. It was soo sweet, and lets me know what great friends I have. But then, not too long ago on Facebook I told one of my best friends. She said to call so that we could have a decent conversation. I assumed that she, like all my other friends, was excited for me. So I called.

Once on the phone I gave her details. When I told her everything in a very excited way she responded by very sourly saying congratulations while crying. Then the next half hour I had to reassure her that her insecurities weren't so bad, and how I'm always here to help.

Is it wrong of me to be a little upset at her? I mean here I am so excited and just this once I want to have a spotlight moment because this has been my dream since I was 10 years old! I understand why she would be a little jealous, but was it really neccesary for her to turn the whole conversation into a woe is me pitty fest? I did what any good friend would do and listened and gave my advice, but I'm so pissed.

This friend has depression issues and I've always been there for her, but then she can't even be happy for my dream taking shape right before my eyes! I always help her with her depression like almost daily. So why couldn't she just be happy for me? It may sound shallow of me to be upset, but I truely am. Even if she wasn't happy and was seething jealousy couldn't she have just pretended?

I don't want to talk about it with my parents cause I'm afraid they'll scold me for being over excited. Sometimes help from random strangers is what I need. And I need it today. I almost feel guilty for being mad! Please help ASAP. I'm waving the S.O.S. sign right now.

October 14th, 2008 at 10:46pm