i can't do it by myself

i'm really pissed right now.
my mom is being a total ass. she expects me to do everything by myself. ever since my grandma got pancreatic cancer, its like she doesn't care about me anymore. we had to leave our house, and move into my grandma's house. her house is only just down the street, but still. its not home. so i've been living at my grandma's house ever since finals last year and i hate it. i don't get to sleep in my own bed, and i have to make sure that i keep the room dedicated as "mine" clean. i hate it.
anyway, the reason why i'm pissed is because i have this semester project for my religion class. i have to attend some sort of event that i would take me out of my comfort zone. well there is the speaker this week that my teacher suggested to the class. Matthew Kelly. he talks to teens about being catholic or whatever. so i was like "hey mom, i want to go to this stupid speaker so i can be done with my project." and she was like "well you can only go if you can find a ride, cause its in arlington, and i don't want to have to drive you out there." well of course none of my friends want to go to some gay speaker talk about religion. so i don't have a ride. i told my mom this, and she doesn't care. i tried to explain to her about how i need to go to this for school, but she doesn't fucking care.
for God's sake mother, i'm 15. i can't drive. you have not given me a ride anywhere for almost a year now. why can't you just take me to one thing? thats all i'm asking.
i do whatever she asks me to. i've basically turned into my grandmother's personal slave. and no one cares. no one gets it. all my friends are running around with guys having a good time. i just want to be normal. i want to be able to just go to the mall on a whim, and not have to plan it a week ahead of time.
i was going to go to this huge pre-homecoming pep-rally on friday. its so cool. all the highschool "rock" bands play and its really amazing. its pretty much the coolest concert ever. but no. i couldn't go because my grandma had chemo and i had to babysit my little sister.

i really just hate life right now.
October 18th, 2008 at 07:59pm