Inside My Head

…What to say….What to say…Just rambling here…Nothing interesting to see…My room is clean for once…Wow…Took me forever though…Hmmm…My cat fell asleep on my bed…Too bad…I’m going to have to wake him up soon to go sleep in my parents room, where his litter box is…He’s not going to be happy about that….Poor cat…I forgot to do my homework…that sucks….Ah who cares….I can do it during Tech., Science, and Creative Writing if I get any free time…I miss England…Hmm…This is quite fun…Or is it just because I’m bored…Yeah…That’s got to be it…I like this song….Evanescence is awesome…This sweet berry Stride gum tastes good….I wonder what Jess is thinking right now….
October 27th, 2008 at 03:50am