2008 Presidential Election

What a monumental moment in life, in this country.

For the first time we have an African American as President.

I admit it, I cried as I was watching ABC, I cried when they announced that Barack Obama was the President-Elect. I cried during his speech in Chicago. The fact that our country has come such a long way since the days of Martin Luther King Jr., since the days of segregation. It's just, it's a heartwarming moment.

As a first time voter this year I was really cautious about who I was voting for. I watched every single debate, the preliminaries, I saw Obama and Biden when they spoke down here in Florida. I read up on both McCain and Obama, I wanted to make sure that my vote, my voice, was going to the right person. My sister and I are the odd ones out in the family this election. Out of everyone, we were the only two who voted for Obama. We knew who we wanted, put our loyal support into them, and made the right decision based off of all of the information we retained.
And the fact that my vote, even though it's just one vote, changed history. I shake my head and frown upon all of those eligible people who didn't vote. Who decided that they were just going to let everyone else speak for them. It's such a shame because you have the right to vote, you have an opportunity to decide what happens with our country, to speak out and let your voice be heard, to be known.

And you didn't.

It is such a shame.

Obama's election into office has opened so many opportunities. Not only for African Americans, but he also paved the way for women to go into office. He did the unthinkable, he did what everyone was saying probably wouldn't happen. And that hope that is passed onto everyone else in the country is important.
Our first African American President, making history, and opening doors to everyother American out there.

New hopes, new horizons, and a new future.
November 5th, 2008 at 06:46am