no pain no gain???? PHT!!! And I don't even own a cat!

HEY everybody....whoever you are...haha. OK here is my little story of my fun fun fun weekend. OR NOT!!!
Well I had a migraine that lasted from Monday till yesterday and yesterday (Friday) was the worst of them all. It got so bad that i was thrashing around and crying and squeezing my head trying to get it to stop hurting. By this time i had already taken the max dose of the strongest pills we owned. Well I told my mom that I had to go to the ER ( Emergency Room) cause it was driving me insane. Well she took me and we went through the whole process and then waited in the room where they treat the patients. they chair was soooo uncomfortable by the way. well we sat there for around 2 hours and then finally the doctor came and checked me out and everything and then the nurse came with a needle and an IV. now let me tell you now that I HATE needles. I cried (yes i am not ashamed to admit that) so hard and when the first needle went in i nearly passed out. it was so scary. well that vein popped so they had to take it out and do it again. NOT my idea.So now my hand is really bruised. They put the second needle in my arm and it worked perfectly ( though it took them forever to get it in) and hurt almost as much as the hand. well i had to sit there for hours while they gave e the medicine that definitely helped.I was so hungry so my brother and our friend came and brought me a sandwich...sooooo good. well then my IV was done at like 7:00 and we had gotten to the hospital at like 3:00. brutality at its best. then the scheduled me for a CT scan ( where they put you in a tube and take tons of pictures of your brain and head) cause the doctor was scared that there was something wrong in there. Like maybe a tumor or scared...seriously. Well that's supposed to happen some time next week and I will keep you updated on that. But I went home with a warning that if it hurt again i have to go back in for more IV medicine ( NO WAY!). last night i was dreaming about this cat attacking me and then I woke up ( I was completely awake!) and the cat was still there and i was slapping at at, with my bad hand, but it wouldn't go away. It went away after i drank some water. That was the freakiest hallucination I have ever had. My mom said its the meds.
Well that's my little story and my head only hurts a little bit :)
Love you all!!! <3 <3
p.s. PLEASE pray that the headaches stay away!! PLEASE!!
November 8th, 2008 at 08:47pm