Thank Yous, Exhaustion, and Writing Marathons.

Okay, before I get anywhere in this journal, I'd like to thank all of the people who are reading my stories, especially the commenters. I feel bad that I can't respond to everyone's comments, but know that I do read all of them, and I love each and every one. They keep me going.

Now, for a little update on my life, incase anyone is actually interested (doubt it).

I've joined this website called Every November, it hosts this thing called a writing marathon-- to be short, you write a novel (at least 50,000 pages) in a month. Yes, that is a lot... and I joined late, so I have a LOT of catching up to do. Anyway, it's just a fun activity, something not to be taken seriously. Usually, no planning at all for the novel is part of the process. It doesn't matter if the quality of the writing is poor, or, in Laman's terms, crap, and it doesn't have to be a masterpiece. However, you get really into it... I've been neglecting a lot of things, including having a life, to do it. But hey, it's fun, and challenging.

I've been very tired lately as well. School takes a lot out of me, and that plus Swimming after school really leaves me exhausted. On top of school, homework, my fat, needy cat, and the writing marathon, I'm surprised I even found the time to be typing this... so, needless to say, the chapters to my stories have been coming out less often. Sorry about that, really.

Again, thanks to all of my readers! Um... to answer some of the questions I've been receiving...

Yes, I drew all of those pictures. Thank you for the compliments. <3

I KNOW I've been taking a while to update. Don't stop telling me to hurry up, though. I need the pressure to get any work done, hehe.

Why yes, Liam is outrageously yummy *wink*.

Sorry I haven't had any make-out scenes... yet *shity eyes*. I want their relationship to be about more than that, you know? Call me idealistic, but relationships should be on a deeper-than-physical level. Don't worry, though. They have to kiss eventually, right? (Why yes, I am refusing to give away any spoilers despite the fact that I very well may be threatened by fans if I don't.)

THANK YOU!! I'm glad you like it!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

Silently wondering if anyone will even read this,

November 14th, 2008 at 05:32am