
yesterday i read an article posted on a site, www.socialvibe.com, that talked about gay marriage. it hit me that the entire population is so hypocritical! gays are scorned and treated as if they were the Black Plague by many. only a few places respect and tolerate the affection shown between two people of the same gender who truly LOVE each other. this love is sometimes even deeper than the love between two people of the opposite sex, and relationships can turn ugly and even masochistic in some situations involving 2 of opposite genders, and yet people turn their heads away from that violence and only see the "evil" in same-sex love and marriage. even more hypocritical are those who believe in polygamy; they are selfish enough to have more than one spouse, and yet when a woman wants to marry another woman it is shunned. what shockes me is that when i express these thoughts, others automatically assume i am gay myself or will avoid me so that none of my "crazy" notions will rub off on them. The world is too scared to realize how stupid they sound when they prevent individuals to follow their hearts! imagine if it was the other way around, if you weren't allowed to be with the girl/guy you loved of the opposite sex. sounds crazy, don't it?
November 14th, 2008 at 09:59pm