For Those Of You Who Are Thinking 'WTF?'

Yes, I've deleted 'I Never Told You What I Do For A Living'.

Yes, I've re-submitted it.

Why, you ask?

I've begun to rewrite it, adding and subtracting things as I go along. Fixing plot holes and making it far more cohesive and readable. Muscle is being added and fat is being trimmed. From the moment I first posted I told you all this was my baby, and now I'm going to prove it to you.

Work continues on 'Romance', the working title for the sequel story. There's a lot I want to include in this final volume, so it might be a little longer before it sees the light of Mibba.

Geek In The Pink is currently a back-burner project. Trying to work out the kinks and make it far less Mary-Sue-ish that it is. I love Candy and I take great pride is her, and I need to do her great dramatic saga justice. She's not forgotten, just hibernating.

I hope that the winter months will fuel my sporadic writing. I'm usually far more inspired in the colder months, so we shall see what unfolds.


November 20th, 2008 at 06:16pm