
Oh gosh, well it's finally here. Time to get going back to California, it was the best journey I could have ever had, The absolute best! And I am going to miss everyone so so so much, I already know it's going to be a hard goodbye, I am going to cry a lot.. Well I at least think I am going to. I hate when I can't cry when I want to because then I feel like people think I don't care. I am really going to miss everyone big time. Margaret, Jadyn, Orion, Mimi, Lana, Titi, Anna, Dawn and her family, and everyone that I have met while we were out here.(huh where did the time go?) I remember thinking it was going to be the hardest time out here and I was crying and wanting to go straight back home. But no, I stuck it out and I had the best time I think anyone could have had in New York. ( like I said in earlier in the paragraph) Sure I didn't see all the landmarks and shit but just being in New York was enough for me. I am already wanting to come back and I haven't even left yet lol. I guess we (Lind and I) are planning to maybe come back for the summer, hopefully! But that all depends on if I can pay for my ticket, I can't mooch off of Gram all the time, Fucking bless her heart! If it wasn't for my Gram I would have never came to New York. She is the best Grandma anyone could ever ask for, and I am going to make sure she knows that when I get back home. I have said this also before but I feel bad and selfish for taking Lind away from her family being so close to Thanksgiving but I (just for some reason) wanted to be back before Turkey Day :/ Anyways the plane leaves at 3:59pm and it is now 9:34am and my sisters (Margaret and Linda) are out doing the laundry, and then after that when they come back we are going to have to get ready to go and make sure we have everything, take the train, to the air train, then to the plane. <-lmaolmaolmao. Effing Dakota man.

Anyways love you New York and I'll try to be beck soon!

November 25th, 2008 at 03:50pm