Friend Famous Interview

I had an interview with my friend one day around the details about my stories. She asked basic and complicated questions. I gave them my best and answered them honestly.

Interviewer- Jenni
Loren- Herself

Jenni- The girl, Missy, from My Love Is Love His Love Is False, will she ever get pregnant?
Loren- Um, probably not. Because, this girl Missy is very precautios. She may make bad decisions, but I think she'll prevent herself from getting pregnant.

Jenni- Are you gonna make anymore stories?
Loren- Here lately I haven't benn writing that much other than ideas saved to drafts, because of lack of inspiration. So, I think I'll just stick to my stories I've written. First I just have to start updating them. -laughs-

Jenni- Are you going to continue with the famous Green Day story, or wait until the album is released?
Loren- Wow, that's a tough one. That's kinda what I was aiming for, so here lately the newist version of the story as been on hiatus. It will be back up soon though.

Jenni- Is anything going to be different with the story?
Loren- Since the third one, it's in Chelsie's point of view, so everything's pretty much going to be different. She sees things differently from her mother, but physically things will be the same.

Jenni- If there is a sequal, what will it be about?
Loren- I don't know if there will be, but if there is it would be back in Loren's point of view. Don't think I'll make a new one though.

Jenni- What will the next story be about?
Loren- If there is next a one, it would probably be about Lorens life at home with her kid and Billie tour. Along with missing Jason and seeing him again.

Jenni- Are they gonna hit it off?
Loren- Probably not. Loren was kinda of promiscous in the stories, and I don't want her to come off as some kind of whore.

Jenni- Why do all of your stories have sexual acts in them?
Loren- I'm kind of perverse. -laughs- Plus, I grew up around people writing intimate shorts or stories. I was rubbed off on.

Jenni- Some of your stories involve young teens doing mischevious things, why is that?
Loren- Well, where I'm growing up you here about that stuff everyday. Teens doing drugs, running away, falling in love, and last but not least having sex. I use a lot of personal things in my stories, and that's what makes my stories.

Jenni- Do you agree with most of the things your readers say?
Loren- Oh my gosh -laughs- some of my readers can be very rude and some are very nice, friendly, and hilarious. I remember I had one reader talking shit every time I would update. So, one day I was like, "If you think this story is so brutal, why do you even read it?" The bitch never commented me again.

Jenni- What was your first story and why did you start writing?
Loren- Orphans was my first and famous one. One day I woke up and was in the mood to write something, then I had this idea in my head and I began writing it down and took chunks of it and made the first chapter of Orphan. After that I was hooked on writing.

Jenni- Do you want to become an author?
Loren-Yes and no. I would love to, but then again I have this phobia of people not buying my books or wanting to read them. Plus, I've always wanted to be a pshycologist more than anything.

Jenni- You have your friends in most of your stories. How come?
Loren- My friends would read my stuff and would ask to be in it. I would get happy so I'd stick 'em in a chapter or two. For example with Austin the Stoner from Orphan Owned. We had just started dating and I asked him if he could be the stoner kid who walks into the store and he was thrilled with the idea. So, not only do I get the pleasure, but they do as well.

Jenni- If you could tell your readers anything, what would it be?
Loren- Lots of things. I'd thank them for reading and always being there to cheer me on, giving me inspiration to write as well. Oh, I do have one thing to say to specifically one, "STOP READING MY STORY! IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH MY PLOT STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY PROFILE!"

So, my interview was fun and thrilling at the same time. I know it was between me and a friend, but it's exciting to get things off your chest. I encourage all of you out there to get interviewed. It's fun and it really makes you think.
November 26th, 2008 at 04:35am