Self esteem and stuff

Insecurity is somthing Im pretty sure most of America has drowned in multiple times over. I know for a fact almost ever girl on the face of the planet wishes they could look like a chick on the runway and things, But I honestly don't wanna go down that road, Im a guy and I don't now a thing about female culture but i can valuable say i have walked by a couple girls who wouldn't stop talking about how ugly they were.

Im also sure that no girl is really ugly, or guy(heehaw). I've seen unattractive people before but never UGLY. I believe that maybe ugly is more like wearing an attitude or state of mind perhaps. But physically no one is particularly an eyesore. Now I'm not about to blame the media for such obscure thinking because i really don't think it can be all their fault. No one is really to blame but the people on earth who are just stunningly gorgeous.

My friend has always had a very strong personality and always came off as a confident girl. But as soon as somone with a better looking body appeared she would shut-up. And act like she didnt want to be their. I feel like this is somthing a lot of people do. I know guys do, I find somone who talks to chicks like he's a fruit blender on high, And i am instantly shut down from ever making an attempt and anyone that guy just talked to.

Mirror image is such a goddamn roadblock. I don't really care very much if your not wearing a certain color of lipstick or gloss or whatever. I mean I kinda like the taste of lips better then apple-pear or somthing. I don't even know why i started to write about this...probably because I haven't seen a happy girl is so long. Like genuinally happy for somthing not material based. Errr getting what they want...

My other friend, kinda a shallow fellow but nothing to shocking. Has this thing about not being able to have friends who dont fit his standards. Which to me i think is a little overdone. I have friends that are convienanly not Happy about there looks but then He would dig into the spot they feel most insecure about and just dig deeper until that individual knows why he isn't friends with them.

Its really a sad thing that we can be controled by the demolition of the indiviual/independent new style or look. Even though it has been decades since gay people have been exepted in socioety it still makes people cringe to see them hold hands. might I ask how homosexual people, few comfortable/stable enough to show there feelings in public, are frowned apon, while the frail comformaty of people who are never satisfide with themselves or there acheviments lives on to shun the happy and unafraid.

Is this the trend we are truly setting? That we can always strive for better but better can never be the best? Do we honestly beileve that every slightly strange mental disagreement can be called a mental illness. Why have we been able to say an eating disorder is a mental problem when its only what the rest of our sick little communitties of people who know its a problem, but its the fastest way to look thin and stay thin. Not to mention accomplish what you want in a way that has only had sucsess.

I apologize about my ranting but its good to have it out heheh ^0^

Most of all I dont understand the appeal in drugs/alcohol. Where does all this 'I-am-the-suffering-artist!' stuff come from. It can't be that every kid who drinks over the age of 13 has a mental disorder is it? they cant all be depressed. Can they? And is depression somthing we don't even know we can fake? How can you say somthing wont kill you, only if you havn't died doing yet? That having somthing that makes you feel good can only be found in somthing illiegal or pain inflicting.....

where is our self esteem?
December 5th, 2008 at 03:00am