Oh God.

What am I going to do with this brother of mine? He's changed since we started school, and we can't figure out why. He's been having these fits, last night was the worst.

Last night I was scared of him, for the fisrt time I was scared of my little brother. Hell I'm pretty sure I've got a bruise on my back fromm when he pushed me in to the counter.

Okay so when my mom got home last night she decided to go up to Gator's which is normal. She got home just after 10 pm and brought back food. But Mac didn't want what she brought back, here is where the fit begins. So I calmly told him there was bread and sandwich stuff or maybe some mac'n'cheese still in the cabinet. He said he didn't want that and proceeds to shove me in to the counter, and then slaps our little brother in the head. The next two hours were total Hell. Mac wouldn't shut up about leaving, saying he had to and that mom could just figure out why on her own.

Today's no different. He's still acting like a bitch and saying he's going to leave.

God I don't know what to do.
December 6th, 2008 at 06:00pm