Can someone Help tell me I'm Not the Only one like this?

Hey Guys Im so Confussed I don't know Any more I'm always the one that ppl talk to that they come to for advice but what if im the one that needs Help I mean Im so confussed

I like My best friend, I know but this isn't a chliche Love story People, I know He doesn't feel the same way back he has a girlfriend and he's 2 years older than me and he's told me more than once I'll always be his baby sister and he'll always be there form me but I'm scared he won't what do I do??

And here's another Problem with me I think I'm the ugliest Girl Ever I mean I always think that because Almost all the guys I hang Out with or that I like see as nothing more that one of the guys or a really great friend

I'm Sick of it I mean I've changed my look to mare girlier look Kinda I mean like 80's rocker ya know Skinny Jeans Big t-shirts or one's with Grapic Designs on it and I've started to wear Eyeliner and My friends say it's good because It bring's out my eyes and they say me eyes are beautiful so....

I mean a few of my girl friends have noticed the change and think I look sexy but how am I Supposed to know that?! I don't like girls like that, I want guys to notice I'm Hott or at least tell me I look nice I mean I think I've gotten like one complment from a guy I liked and He said I was Pretty that was at church and I don't know if it's because he felt bad for me or he really ment it

can Some please help Me I really need it and It would mean a whole lot to me

Thanks------ ~Jazmine~<3
December 23rd, 2008 at 07:08pm