Oh Oh Nine.

By the time I click "Submit" it should be 2009 in England.
So last year has been an interesting one, things happened, things haven't.
But, enough on old events, time to make plans, expectations, jokes, but not resolutions.

Next year I'll be finished with my first year of college, I'll apparently have all the required skills, to spend year 2 creating what is pretty much a portfolio, it'll be a sad summer, most likely.
I don't get on well with people, which causes lack of friendship outside of college, among other things.
So I think I should get a job, hopefully Subway will get back to me soon and I can have the title of "Sandwich Artist" and pretty much be high on life until the novelty wears off.
I think maybe I should get a girlfriend, so I can recover some sort of moral fibre and feeling. Also, to have something to do.
I think maybe I should get an xbox, but thats dependent on if I can sell the wii, and if my father lets me.
I should also get at least one of my songs (P:N not MiND) written and mixed up before easter, if I was to stick to personal deadlines and the such.
I should wash somewhat tomorrow, because well, my feet are looking... Bad. Maybe I should stop walking barefoot everywhere.
I need money, money will help me alot in 2009.
I need to get high.
And visit Joe.
I need money for self-publishing, and I need to clean up and tweak all my poems and songs that I'm not going to record and mix up, even though only about 4 people will buy the book, I'd just like to say I've done that.
I should maybe learn to drive, even though I do hate cars with a passion.
I need to get drunk more.
January 1st, 2009 at 12:39am