Snow Day! <3

January. 5, 2009

Dear, well anybody who decides to read this lol.

Hmm let's see where to start?
Well today was supposed to be my first day back to school, however last night it snowed, like crazy! Which I am quite happy about! Got some extra sleep lol.
Well now I am kinda bored so I decided to start a journal. I have no idea how often I will be writing a journal but I will try and write one at least every week and at most every day.
Ok well lets see I guess I can introduce myself.
My name is Samantha most people call me Sam or Sammy.
I am in Gr.12 and currently taking Bio12, Law12, English12, and History12.
I am hoping to peruse a career in history and I plan to travel the world and live in Europe somewhere.
My birthday is November.19, 1991, which means I am 17 lol.
My best friend is Lia, or PunkedUpGal or my JBFBFFAESSSJFF please dont ask me what it means because if I tell you I may have to kill you, jk jk :)
Anywyas, I am obsessed with TWILIGHT! and I love Jacob Black aka Taylor Lautner <333, Narnia, Caspian <3, The Jonas Brothers.
I am currently teaching Karate, I am a 1st degree black belt. I also work at a fitness place and I am loving it!!
My hobbies are snowboarding, karate, hanging out with my friends, writing, reading, singing, dancing, and playing rock band lol.
Well since I am probably boring you know I can talk about something actually interesting.
So if you are a Twilight fan and maybe a Taylor fan you will see where I am coming from. THEY BETTER SIGN TAYLOR FOR NEW MOON!
And if you are more into Narnia, am I the only one who read something about Disney not signing to make the next movie?
If you live in Canada, who wants the JoBros to come back? I certainly do! I have been a fan since forever and I still haven't seen them in concert....
And if you are an NLT fan, I want them to come to Canada to whos with me? lol
Anyways back to another boring topic. How was everyones Christmas or Holiday Break?
My Christmas was amazing!!! I got a laptop so yea it is easier for me to spend more time on mibba, which I am not sure is a good or bad thing lol.
Hmmm well I should probably end this journal entry and actually get off my butt and do something productive.
Thanks for reading, and if this was totally boring I'm sorry haha.

- Sammy

p.s. I have some stories that I am thinking about posting and some I want to write. Here are my ideas, if you think they are any good and I should write them please tell me :)
First one- Twilight, an orphan girl in england goes to a private school, goes on a field trips and ends up getting lost and saved by a pack of wolves who end up being werewolves. Thats about all I have come up with so far.
Second one- Narnia, another family stumbles upon narnia. This ends up being another untold story in Narnia. Not to sure what will happen to them yet :)
Third one- Eragon, I already have 4 chapters of this one written I just need to type it up but I think any Eragon fans may enjoy it.
Anyways I am done ranting thanks again for reading :)
January 6th, 2009 at 01:24am