
My first journal entry!
Okay so on with it;
Thanks for all the welcomes, this is a truly friendly site. I hope i'll enjoy it here.
I'm glad i've already got a preview up, and i hope i'll be able to draw in more potential readers for "Aurora" to motivate me to keep at it, right until the end.
On the note of "Aurora", i have a playlist created (on another website, it's too difficult on here) for the story which can be found here= http://view.playlist.com/14493237515
In the lyrics to the songs you might be able to discover parts of the storyline, they're hints.
I won't be able to add chapter one for a little while, since i have an exam tomorrow and plenty of work (need to do work, work that if i dont do i get my head bitten off. Not a good idea if i want to write a successful story.) but i am aiming, and only aiming, not promising, to have it done by the end of this month. I will try to get organised...
If anyone else has Twilight fanfics, i'd be interested in reading them so let me know. ;)
I think thats all folks.
January 7th, 2009 at 10:50pm