I would have gone outside...

...But it hurts to breath the air right now. The temp up here in northern MN is hovering around -39 without windchill (about -47 with). This weekend, though, it's supposed to get up to a balmy 20 degrees! I expect to see almost everyone out in shortsleeves.

Despite setting records lows today, school (and finals) started right on time. But's that Minnesota for ya (haven't you ever seen the Facebook group "500 Degrees Below Zero-Hell freezes over...Minnesota schools start two hours late"? It's a real thing. Check it out).

Of course, after 15 years of living here, you'd think I would've learned something by now, but I haven't, really. I still leave liquids in the car when I get out, and they always turn into rocks. For instance, after school today my mom and I went to get some fast food. We sat in the parking lot of her work (she uses her break to pick me up) to eat. I wasn't quite finished, but she had to get back to work, and when she opened the door and got out, a drop of water that I had spilled on the (stain resistant!) seats instantly froze over. Yeah, it's that cold. It's not even a slushy kinda frozen either, but like FROZEN frozen. Like the kind of ice they use to make ice sculptures.

I don't know if any of you have been watching like, CNN Weather or anything, but that video they showed of using a banana that's been sitting outside for awhile to pound in a nail? It works.

And I could freeze an egg on the sidewalk, if I wanted to.
January 16th, 2009 at 03:55am