Panic Attack Over My Future

Seriously! I am having mini-panic attacks cause of this little decision.

Ok, so here's my problem. I love acting but I also love writing, singing and dancing. I'm a regular ole artistic type, huh?

I was plannin' going back to college and doing what I love but I can't decide what to do!! See I would be in college now but all this crap that just had to come up in my life. First my father acting a complete btard... Then my roommate issues.... and now my mother having surgery....

Do I never get a break?! And all of that was in one year... I'm not even gonna go into the past years, I do not need to be getting upset like this.


But anyways, I really can't decide! The main two are acting and music! I just am torn cause I'm a worry-wort about my skills... Hell, I'm just a huge worrier anyways! ><

Actors should prepare 2 monologues, each of them 60-90 seconds long and from contemporary plays or films. One should be comic, the other serious. Singing is not required, but if it is a strength, you may perform up to 24 bars from any Broadway musical. If you plan to sing, bring with you an accompaniment CD or cassette tape.- University of Mississippi (Ole Miss)

GAH!!!! I'm seriously freakin' over here!! I mean this scares me cause what if I don't get in? Or, even worse? I do and I end up spending the rest of my life in MS cracking jokes and doin' plays for a minimal wage and not living my dream or even a part of it?!

I really want to get out of MS and see the world, while doing what I love... I mean, people have said that I'm a good singer and actor but how can I believe them when I know that they were just saying that cause we're friends?!

Wow, I've just gotten a headache.....
February 3rd, 2009 at 02:22am