The Jackel

Searching for the brask relization a howl breaks into the room
"Whispers and solitude"
Why have we found our beloved daughter in the wreck of the ocean and why have we not seen the meaning.
The blind man sputtered, "I have a Jackel for a card,
Cramp my style and you should see the reason."
The doctor could do more, his eye were limp and he swore that this was the last time,
"I am human non-the-less"
"Might I carry another mans guilt into the ashes"
He had picked up the flowers placed upon the table
"This is only a another glimpse into the reason of life"

Emile began to see her feet in front of her and justed the sand from inbetween her toes,
"God hathe Angels and the awakened harthe has marked me yet another-"
She talks of none'-sense thought the Doctor, only a few more times and I should be out of the wind.
" I will give a chance at reason, set forth I have seen a figure with long nose and eyes darker than pearl, his beak is closed in the tooth of decay, he should ask you no riddles, he should ask you no reason, he wants your spawning and a look into your youth. Give him a sweat chance and perhaps he will guide you on your place, for the wizard has taken my only brush of existance."

The figure that entered did the absolute of nothing, perhaps he had no figure, it was not sure to the girl, she lye half awake in the realm, she could only make out a ripple in the clothe that formed around the figures mouth, she could only make out the words . "DOTHE EYE DOUTHE" this is no word for withch I have came said the crumpled figure, I stand before you with a gift, might it be solitude or might it be longing, you have your own wishes, the internal sanction has it's remembrence, place your hand within my soul, like once you have done before---- -- - -,
The doctor grabbed her hand as she beat out the pulse, I give forty five, I give hence the sixth, I must fasten her to the bedside, I can do no more, she must gain sight, she must pull the clouds out from the pillow of the sky, I can do no more.
The doctor closed the door and explained" I have done best for my forgivennes, yet she is stil lost in furry. Perhaps we can take the easy way, --" the man behind the curtain scraped his leg forward,
" Iam just to the way of things but the velvet man and his shroud wandered near, you cannot give him chance to infect the girls mind, take her soul back from the card I have given"
At this the blind man waved his card into the air, it was blank on both side, yet the answer was clear, stay next to the child girl, perhaps she could make a cue into the morning set.
The curtains within the room swayed and it had been forthe night sense she made any movement, yet the blind man lingered on, he prayed for a reason that was not there, "I will give her back her diamond eyes' at this a strange figure came close to the blind man and the shadow gathered his every breath, yet in his words
"Away ask thine breathe to devil and cresent are the likes, I roll the dice and only twice I have seen you eye's, go away and squander your time on something more, she is a ragweed in the destitude of time, and say this is not enough than take my other eyes for I have non---" at this the room darkned and the flight was given, Her breath broke the wind and she replied,
" Further the shallow grave, I have seen splinters in eye's of velvet."

Marvin G VanDam
Chapt 3- 02/16/2009
February 16th, 2009 at 08:44am